Im okay

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Hard rain hit Juliette's head.
"I'll see you later I'm going to sit with Lily." She yelled to Dorcus.
"Ok! Good luck losing!" Dorcus replied with a smile.
"Yeah yeah!" Replied Juliette.

The pitch was erupting with cheers and applause. This was possibly the biggest match of the year. The Gryiffindor/Slytherin rivalry was ages old.

"Who do you think will win? Truly?" Asked Lily over the yelling.
  "Us obviously!" Juliette called out. Her, Remus, Lily, Mary, Alice, and Peter stood on the edge of the stands watching with excitement.

  "Going against your new friends?" Mary asked.
  "I will always go for Gryffindor!" Juliette chuckled.

"Potter has the quaffle!... 10 points for Gryiffindor!" Shouted Jordan, the announcer. Juliette yelled with delight.
  " McCannon passes to Johnson... intercepted by Rosier! But Johnson swoops back in, passing it to Potter! Potter is squared in! He passes to Marlene.... Another 10 for Gryffindor!"

The game was close, The seekers still had no luck in finding the snitch and the rain wasn't making it easy on anyone. Bludgars we're being hit left and right and there has already been two time outs, due to people almost slipping off of their brooms.

"Do you suppose they should keep playing in such bad weather?" Alice asked.
  "They've played in snow, I think they'll be fine." Mary replied.
  "And besides, James is probably laying into our seeker right now, scaring him enough to motivate him." Juliette added. They all nodded in agreement.

The game was back on. Slytherin earned a few more points making both teams hold their breath for victory. The seekers has spotted the snitch and we're racing around the pitch for it. Everyone was distracted by how close the Gryffindor seeker can to catching in that no one had even noticed the bludgar heading  right for James's head.

One moment he was on his broom and the other he was free falling about 50 feet to the ground as people screamed. Juliette watched without letting out a single breath as she began to cry as he hit the ground, Dumbledore tried a spell but it hardly worked.

The group rushed down to where he landed as he laid there, unconscious.
  "Get him to the hospital wing immediately!" Shouted professor McGonagall. Sirius grabbed his arms and Remus helped with his legs, along with Peter. Lily held Juliette's hand but the girl pulled away from her as Lily began to follow the group.

She couldn't see him like this. Helpless, hurt.


James was half conscious, he would glance around the room and then fall asleep again. Madam pomfrey rushed around him laying things on his head. Juliette stood behind the group, none of them even knowing.

Remus glanced back at her and pulled her closer, holding her hand and rubbing it with his thumb, trying to calm the girl.

All she could do was pray. Pray to whoever was up there that he would be ok. She cried a bit harder every time he would let out an exclamation in pain.

"Give the boy room!" Shouted Pomfrey. The group took one step back.

Sirius looked a wreck. His brother laid on a bed crying in agony. No one knew what actually happened. They didn't know if he had broken bones or if he was even bleeding where they couldn't see.

"Sallow hand me that potion! Now!" Madam Pomfrey demanded. Juliette couldn't move. Lily handed it to the woman.
"Drink this my boy." She tried. James made an attempt to drink it but his head couldn't leave the pillow it was slightly propped up on.

Remus placed an arm around her shoulder as Mary held her other hand and Peter and Alice rubbed her back. Lily tried helping Pomfrey.

Jules wanted so much to walk over to Sirius and hug him until James was ok. It would be good for the both of them. But fear still say heavy on her heart, that he was still mad at her.

James glanced at his friends, then directly at her.
  "I'm ok." He smiled with a whisper, then passed out again. Everyone looked at her. That was enough to make the girl cry more than she already was. The eyes watching the tears welling were beyond overwhelming.

She rushed out of the room unaware of the boy following her.
  "Jules, stop." He called out.
  "Leave it Sirius." Her voice shook.
  "He's going to be alright." He tried.

  "I just saw him fall 50 feet out of the air. And he tells me that it's going to be ok! That's how much I burden!" She cried.

The boy ran to her, making her turn around
"That's how much he loves you." Sirius proclaimed abruptly, grabbing her hands.

She stood silently.
  "He told me he loved you... so much." She could see only truth in the way he looked at her.
"I'm sorry... I have to go." She whispered.


Juliette Marched into the Slytherin common room.
"What the hell Crouch!" She shouted, storming up to him.
"Come on Jules, you guys still won." He joked.
"Your kidding? You're FUCKING KIDDING!! He almost died! You're luck I don't fucking kill you!" She cried, her breath heavy.

"Calm down Jules." Regulus tried. Barty looked at her like he had never seen someone cry before, even though he had.
"I'm... im sorry." He whispered.

For a moment she thought he was only saying that to make her clam down, but then she saw the genuine expression of guild layered on his face. An expression rare to see from him.

"I'm sorry." He said again, hugging her. All she could do was cry in worry and rage. Parts of her felt like it was her fault, though it didn't make sense, but everting was always her fault.

It took about 30 minutes for her to finally calm down enough to make decisions again and the first one had to be a good one.
"I think it's time I... go back..." she admitted.
"To the wing?" Asked Regulus.

She shook her head.
"To them... I'll still be your friend i promise, but... I feel like I blew everything way out of proportion and it's time I... grow up."

Juliette said her goodbyes and gave everyone all final hugs. The common room was silent. She suspected that Remus dragged Sirius out of the med wing so James could sleep. The two boys sat on the couch.

"Hi." She said simply. Sirius stood quickly and walked over to her. Then brought her into a large hug making the both of them cry.

The winner takes it all Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz