Found your Romeo?

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"Coming Mum!" She called out. "You're going to miss the train!" Her mother yelled back. Juliette hurried down the stairs into the  kitchen. "Finally, is that what your wearing?" Mrs. Sallow asked. "Yes mother, this is what I'm wearing." She rolled her eyes. The older woman huffed and walked away. "Get your thing and fast." She demanded. Jules ran back upstairs and grabbed her trunk.

Kings Cross station. The only time she get to say goodbye to her mother and have an excuse. Hogwarts, it was her sixth year as a Gryffindor. Her mother was furious when she found out Juliette wasn't a Slytherin. To her being in any other house decides for you if your a 'blood traitor' or not.

"Be good and don't get into any trouble this year, I don't want you hanging about those boys either." She told her daughter as she brushed off the slightly shorter girls red sweater. "I should have taken a roller to your pants." She stated and looked disgusted. Her black pants had a bit of lint on them, but if something wasn't perfect It was nothing to her. She was nothing to her. "Go on." She told Juliette. She nodded. "Goodbye mum."
"Goodbye Juliette." She nodded. With that she walked away from her and towards the red train to freedom.

It was crowded like always. Jules had hoped the boys saved her a seat. She then bumped into someone. "Sorry." She apologized. "It's alright." A girl replied. Marlene McKinnon. Bloody gorgeous she was. "Oh it's just you Marls. Hoped it wasn't Bellatrix."
"How was your summer Jules?"
"Good, you know my mum."
"Want to sit with me and the girls?"
"Maybe gonna see if the boys left me a seat."
"Alright then. See you." She smiled and walked away.

A boisterous noise was heard coming from one of the compartments. Found them. She quickly opened it to see James and Sirius laughing loudly and Peter was using his wand to make treats fly around the small room and Remus was laughing and rolling his eyes. They must have said something stupid. "Morning." She said. They all stopped what they we're doing and looked at the tall slim girl. "Juliette!" Peter and Sirius called out. "How are you Jules?" James asked. "Alright I suppose." Remus tapped the seat next to him and she sat. James and Sirius went right back to doing what they were before. "How are you really?" Remus whispered to her. "Hungry." He gave her a sympathetic smile and handed her some chocolate.

"So Juliette, met your Romeo this summer?" Sirius asked. "No, did you." She retorted. James snorted and Sirius grinned his famous Sirius Black grin. Remus and Peter were also laughing beside her.
  "Alright, leave the poor girl alone. She had enough to worry about over the summer with her mum she doesn't need help from the looks of you." Remus chuckled.
"Mum still bothering you?" James asked.
  "If she's not i worry she's dead." He smiled. Now that she was actually looking James looked different. Older, cuter. She found herself warm up a bit when he smiled at her.
  Eww, really James Potter, Sirius I understand, even Remus, but James... great.
  "Get over here, I haven't been able to write you for the whole summer." Sirius told her. She moved in between James and Sirius and Sirius put his arm around her shoulders. "We're the same you and me, insufferable mothers, horrid fathers. We really feel the love don't we?"
"That we do pads, that we do."

Sirius was out cold, so was Remus, Peter was in the bathroom. "How was your summer, really?" James asked. "The same as always really, my mum making sure I keep up my good looks and my even better grades. She keeps talking about how she rather die than raise a blood traitor, too late I suppose." She slightly chuckled. He had sorrow, pity in his eyes. "Don't look at me like that, James, I'm fine really."
"You've lost weight."
"Don't i always?"
"You don't need to. You never do. She still makes you."
"Stop worrying about me James. I was raised this way, I'm used to it now." He wasn't a fan of that response. He looked at her, deep in the eyes. He then suddenly pulled her into a hug. "You don't deserve that."
"Don't make me cry Potter." He pulled away. "And why not?"
"Because my mascara looks good today." She smiled. So did he.

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