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His lips pressed to hers. Juliette wrapped an arm around his neck and used the other to keep the page in her book. One hand was on her neck and the other moved on her waist. She opened her eyes to glance at James.
She pushed the boy away.
  "He's gone." She said.

Barty sat up and wiped his bottom lip. James had moved on, she saw him swapping spit with a Hufflepuff girl in their year. However, she knew that if he saw her snogging  Barty it would annoy James much more than he was annoying her.

"I'd watch your back Crouch, unless you want to be killed by a guy who can't see without glass in front of his eyes." Evan laughed.
  "Shut it. He couldn't if he tried." Barty replied. Juliette rolled her eyes and started a conversation with Dorcus and Regulus

"Is this all they ever do?" She asked. "Bicker?"
  "When there not smoking or almost killing themselves, yes." Regulus replied.
  "Speaking of which, wanna join me in the tower?" Dorcus asked. Juliette and Regulus nodded and walked away.

The evening air was chilly. It had been three days since Juliette sat with the Slytherins. The walk from the library to the tower wasn't too far away.
  "So you and Potter really are done?" Asked Pandora. She had joined them as they were walking.
  "I suppose so." Juliette replied simply, taking a cigarette from her pocket.

"I thought by now he would be harassing Evans again." Dorcus said. Juliette chucked, "I'm just as surprised as you."
  "How are you feeling... really?" Regulus asked.
  "I've been better."
  "You keep saying that." A voice said.

Remus walked over with a cigarette of his own hanging out of his mouth.
  "It's true." Juliette replied. Remus said hellos to the others.
"Just tell us... or at least me." He said. She looked down.

  "I miss him... but he had no right to try to control me like that." She stated.
  "Are you sure he was trying to do that?" Asked Pandora.
There was a long pause until Juliette sighed.
  "Can we talk about this later?" She asked.

  "I've got to go anyways." Remus said looking at his watch and stepping on his cigarette. "I'll see you love." He kissed her temple and walked away.

"So your not sure." Dorcus said with a raised brow.
  " I trust Remus it's just- he would try to talk to James about it, and I could tell him not to..but... I don't know..." she said. "I fell like I'm losing it. Im so..." she paused, tears began to well, "I'm so scared." She breathed out.
"I know... honestly I am too." Regulus whispered, coming to sit next to her. The girls followed.

"You have every right to be." Dorcus looked at the both of them. "But you have us... and Jules despite how mad they are at you, Sirius and James will always be there, I think." Pandora added, placing a hand on her leg.
  "Thanks." She sighed. "But I think I really pissed them off this time." She sniffled with a chuckle.
  "They'll get over it." Dorcus replied.

——— a day later ———

James was furious and it was beginning to get on everyone's nerves, but they were still patient.
  "Can you believe it?!" He exclaimed, pacing the dorm room. "Barty Crouch Jr! I knew it! I knew she didn't actually like me! And to think I-" he wiped his face with his hand.

"Calm down Prongs!" Sirius stood. "You know what you need?" Asked Peter. They all looked at him, Remus still sitting on his bed. "Snivellus has been comfortable lately..." he suggested. They all grinned.

"I saw him last in the potions room." Peter said. They walked through the halls all somehow fitting under James's invisibility cloak.
  "What's the plan?" Asked Sirius.
  "I have no idea." Remus whispered.
  "Just blow something up." James smiled.

The dungeons had a cold, eerie feeling to them. Every sound echoed off of the old stone walls. Especially the sound of laughter.
  "No wonder Minerva hates you!" Juliette laughed. She good with the others at the entrance of the Slytherin common room. "I'll be seeing you." She said.

As she walked closer the boys hidden by a blanket all held their breath, hoping she wouldn't notice them or hear them. She walked past them, almost bumping into Remus in the side.
  "He's in potions, Slughorn is gone." She whispered.

That caught everyone by surprise. Just because she was mad doesn't mean she didn't want to see Severus possibly covered in something. She smiled and continued walking.

They boys continued to walk cautiously to the potions room. Severus stood in the back with a cauldron, throwing objects and liquids into it, each making it puff. When he went into the pantry on the other side of the class Remus took out a small bottle and scooped some of the potion into it after that Sirius and James began throwing random thinks in it as Peter watched for Severus.

They quickly got back under the cloak and watched as the potion began to bubble. After a second Severus was covered in a green goo like liquid. And his clothes began to sizzle. That was the queue to leave. The boys took off running down the halls laughing only when they were out of the dungeons.

The busted Into the common room.
  "How did it go?" Juliette asked from behind her book.
  "Good." Replied Remus
  "thank you for your help." Peter thanked. Both Remus and Peter shared a look.
  "Aren't we thankful for her help?" Remus asked Sirius.
  "Yes." He mumbled.

She nodded awkwardly and looked in between the four boys standing in front of her. Thank godric for Lily Evens, because she called for Juliette from the girls dorm room.
  "Coming!" Juliette replied and darted away.

"So you all can be in the same room and still be alive?" Remus asked sarcastically.
  "Shut it moony." Sirius rolled his eyes. " this doesn't mean I forgive her." He sat. James hadn't said anything. He was thinking about how she looked in the slim jeans she was wearing.

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