My socks

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James was in another level of intense this morning. It was the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin quidditch match. There biggest opponents.
"Wake up pads we have a match to win!" He announced at the poor boy sleeping in his bed. Sirius woke up startled.
"You've lost your mind prongs!"
"Shh." Remus shushed.
"Sorry Moony." He whispered. James stood there with his hands in his hips.
"Let's gooooooo."
"I'm coming." Padfoot complained, putting on his jumper. James was already down stairs. Sirius tiptoed over to Remus. Peter was still fast asleep. He was a hard sleeper.
"Sorry for waking you love." He whispered.
"Mm." Remus mumbled. Sirius chuckled at him, leaned down and kissed him. Remus didn't hesitate to kiss him back. When they pulled apart Remus was looking at the grey eyed boy looking at him.
"Good morning." He whispered.
"Good morning." Pads replied and pecked Remus on the lips again and left the room.
"What took you so long?" James asked.
"Couldn't find my socks."


Regulus was the seeker. He felt the pressure of it. The game pretty much depended on him. If he didn't win then everyone would see him as the problem.

Juliette has witnessed it before. After a game last year the entire house (excluding a few of his friends) were out to get him. Making his life hell for about a week until Evan Rosier and Barry Crouch threatened everyone's life's, and Dorcas Meadows hexed a girl for making fun of him.

She wanted to go for both teams, cheer on Sirius and Regulus at the same time. But James wouldn't have it and neither would any of the other Gryffindors. She thought once or twice that Sirius would get mad, but those thought deteriorated when Sirius was drunk one night a cried on her shoulder for 40 minutes talking about how much he missed his baby brother.

She put on one of the boys old Quidditch jumpers that actually fit her, James would give them to Lily but she would give them to Juliette. Both boys were downstairs waiting for the rest of the team.
"Morning boys." She said.
"Morning ma lune." Sirius replied.
"Morning." James said not looking up from his small journal. He would write plays in it.
"mon soleil." She acknowledged him.
"What's that mean?" He finally looked up. Juliette Sallow was standing in front of him wearing his quidditch jumper, he didn't even mind that it wasn't Lily.
"It means big, lumbering, oaf." She replied.
"Haha." He said sarcastically. The team came barreling downstairs.

"We've got to go, see you after." Sirius said.
"Yeah good luck." She replied and kissed him on the cheek.
"Not good luck kiss for me?" James teased, grabbing her waist. She slid her hands around his neck.
"Win... and we'll see." Then she walked away to wake the girls up.

James was left a bit stunned with a goofy smile on his face.
"Come on Prongs." Sirius rolled his eyes and grabbed James by the shoulders.


The match was ruthless. There were already 3 injuries but they all kept playing.
"Come on! That's a foul!" Juliette yelled at madam hooch.
"Miss Sallow please sit down!" Minerva yelled at her.
"I am!" She snapped back, not realizing who told her to do so. McGonagall gave her a stern 'you little shit' look. "Sorry professor." She said as if she was begging for her life.

The game just went on and on. Juliette yelling the entire time. At one point a blugger almost hit James in the head and she threatened the Slytherin beaters life.
Gryffindor took the victory none the less. There was an eruption of cheers, although Juliette felt bad for Regulus. Her, Remus, and peter went to the locker rooms to congratulate the team.
"James? Sirius!" They called out.
"Back here!" Sirius replied. He was wearing a jumper and his pants from his uniform. James still didn't have a shirt on.

You could tell he was an athlete. His toned muscles were glistening with a bit of sweat despite the cold weather. She couldn't help but stare at him.
"Can you believe it? I thought we were dead!" Sirius said, changing into jeans.
"You guys did so good!" Jules said.
Her voice caught James's attention. He walked over to her quickly and rested his hands oh her hips.
"So, where's my kiss?" He smirked.
"I said we'll see. Not I guarantee."
"I hardly think that's fair."
"Life isn't fair potter." She replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." He insisted. That made her find him incredibly hot. She leaned in and kissed him.

He held her closer, probably to make himself warmer. Neither one of them let up. The room went crazy with cheers and whistles. When they finally moved away they still held on to one another.
"Jules." He said breathlessly.
"Congratulations." She whispered, "Rem, peter." She called for them and left the room.

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