Girls night

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The girls sat in the common room, spread out. Juliette sat with her head in Lily's lap and her feet in Alice's. It was silent; not an entirely awkward silence but it wasn't the most comfortable. They kind of looked around the room as if looking for something to talk about. Racking their brain for something, no matter how boring

"What is wrong with us? Is there really nothing we can talk about?" Cried Juliette.
"Ugh! Finally someone says something about it!" Marlene calls out, sitting if from laying on the floor.
"You know what I think?" Asked Mary.
"Probably not." Replied Marlene.
"Girls night! Just us. No one else!" Said Mary.

"Yes!!" Alice practically screamed. "That sounds like so much fun!"
"Well then. Girls night tonight." Lily smiled. The girls all cheered. The talk of a night together gave them a topic of conversation. Soon the common room was filled with giggles and gossip.

About ten minutes passed before the boys walked down the stairs all talking lowly while looking at a newspaper.
"What is it?" Asked Lily.
"Here." James replied handing the paper to the girl.
"Muggle family killed yesterday." She gasped.
"What?" Juliette took the paper from her hands.

"Muggle family killed mysteriously in their home. Detectives say an Unforgivable Curse (specifically the killing curse) was used."

She felt sick, she wanted to cry, scream. Something told her that her parents had something to do with this. That they knew something.
  "Love, you alright?" James asked quietly, sitting next to the girl after Lily moved.
  "Yup, I'm fine." She smiled. He kissed her forehead.


Night was coming closer and closer. By time the clock read 8:47 all of the girls were in the dorm.
"Right!" Juliette announced, "I got the boys to steal food from the kitchens! So we are set!"
Lily rolled her eyes with a light smile at the girl.
  "What are we going to do first?" The ginger haired girl asked.
  "Marles, did you get it?" Jules asked.
Marlene went over to her bed and pulled out three bottles from under it.
  "Yup." She replied.

Needless to say they were shitfaced. Luckily they were all really nice when drunk.
"You guys are like my best friends, I'm gonna marry Marlene!" Juliette shouted.
"I'll marry you!" Mary called out.
"She's gonna marry James!" Lily replied. Alice giggled endlessly.
"Your gonna marry Slughorn!" Juliette shouted , laughing while pointing at the girl. They all erupted with laughter.

"I'm gonna marry Frank." Alice blushed.
"I'm a lesbian!" Marlene shouted suddenly. The room went silent. She sat in the floor with a startled face.
"Do you want to see my tits?" Juliette asked quietly. "Because I'll show them to you, because I love you and I have nice tits, and so do you."
  "No, thank you though." She said.
All five of them shared a hug.

The girls were loud and having the time of their lives. Someone had brought up the topic of boys again.
  "So, Lilly, I saw you eyeing Fabian Prewett in transfiguration yesterday. Anything you'd like to tell us?" Asked Mary.
  "Maybe." Lily blushed.
  "Oh my god! Yes! you two together is like, perfect!" Alice squealed.
  "Yeah I think so too but he won't work up the nerve to ask me out." Complained Lily.
  "So? Do it yourself!" Juliette exclaimed.


Juliette didn't remember anything about the night before. She woke up In someone else's bed, strong arms wrapped around her, making her overwhelmingly warm. With her back facing the stranger she had no idea who it was but she did have one good guess.
  "James." She groaned.

He didn't move. Instead he continued to breathe directly into her ear. Giving her shivers. The room was silent other than the subtle sound of Sirius snoring. She sighed and tried again.

  "James." Her head was pounding. Hangover, no doubt. His grip on her loosened enough to let her turn around and face his sleeping self. He looked so relaxed, happy. She didn't want to wake him but if she didn't get the chance to breathe soon she would surely vomit everywhere.

  "Darling wake up." Her voice didn't sound as graceful as it usually did. She sounded sick. He groaned.
  "James, please, I can't breathe." His eyes opened slowly. When he saw that he was in fact waking up with his girlfriend In his arms he smiled and let her go.

  "Morning." He said in a deep, raspy voice. This made the girl heat up more than she needed at the moment.
  "Good morning." The sound of another persons voice gave her a headache. "What happened?" She asked.

  "You came into the common room last night with the girls and demanded to see me, so when I came downstairs you were asleep on the couch. I hope you don't mind me bringing you up here." He brushed some hair out of her face.

She didn't reply. Her head was spinning and she could barely hear what he had said due to the ringing in her left ear.
  "How are you feeling?" He asked, quietly.

  "Not great." She replied. He chuckled at her sarcastic demeanor.
  "Didn't expect you to feel very good, I'm sorry." He kissed her head.
  "It's fine, thank you for letting me sleep here." She replied.
  "Anytime love." He went for another kiss but she stopped him.
  "Teeth, brushed."

When James got up he returned with a cup of water.
  "I'll bring you some breakfast, but you'll have to go to classes today, I don't have anymore excuses... sorry."  He said after kissing the corner of her mouth, despite her resistance.
  "It's ok, thank you." She replied softly.

He looked at her for a moment, taking in any and everything. She gave him a gentle smile.
  "Comment pouvez-vous être aussi parfaits ? Tu sens même les biscuits et l'eau de Cologne. Comment peux-tu faire ça ?" She said, placing a hand on his face.

James was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of French, and also incredibly turned on.
She chuckled at him.
  "You smell really good." Juliette replied. "Now help me get ready."

The winner takes it all Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora