If the shoe fits!

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  "Lily what I'm i supposed to wear?" Juliette cried out.
  "Oh by godric! Look In my closet!" The red head yelled back.
  "Oo and mine!" Marlene exclaimed.
Juliette stressfully looked through both of their closets.
She managed to find a black skirt from Marlene and a cream sweater from Lily.

  "How do I look?" She asked

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  "How do I look?" She asked. Marlene whistled at her and Lily smiled widely.
  "If Neil stands you up I'll take you out myself." Marls smirked.
  "Shut it." Juliette teased.
  "Wait I thought you were going with James." Mary said.
  "Oh... no, Neil the Hufflepuff chaser." Jules reminded.
  "Why not James?" Alice asked.
  "He didn't ask me."
  "Alright, you've got to go." Lily said. Right before Lily closed the door behind Jules, she grabbed a leather jacket and handed it to the girl.

Juliette could hear the boys downstairs. Shit she thought. She specifically didn't want to see them before leaving.
  "Holy shit prongs look." Sirius nudged James. They all looked at her.
  "You look...-"
Peter was cut off by James. "Perfect." He said walking up to her.
  "Thank you...I've actually got to go."she said trying to walk away.
  "Where?" Pads asked.
  "Umm... a date."
  "What." James looked betrayed.
  "Yeah, umm, Neil Bones asked me this morning if I wanted to go to Hogsmead." She said awkwardly.
  "Aren't your legs gonna get cold, your skirts short." James asked coldly.
  "I have in tan fleece leggings on under the black ones." She stated. He scoffed.

  "Look It's just a date, I'll be back later." she tried to reason with him.
  "Whatever Shakespeare." He replied and left the room slamming his dorm door behind him. She left and went to find Neil.


  "Hey! You look great!" He said.
  "Thank you, you look good too." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
  "Shall we?"
  "We shall." She chuckled. They walked down the street towards Three Broomsticks.
  "You alright?" He asked.
  "Yeah sorry, I got into a bit of an argument before I left, with a friend of mine."
  "Oh sorry."
  "It's ok, this is making it better." She smiled.

When they finally got to three broomsticks they sat at a table in the corner of the room.
  "What can I get you?" He asked.
  "Butter beer."
  "Cold or warm?"
  "Warm please." She fake begged.
  "Got it." He left the table and walked up to the bar to order. Just then James and Lily walked in and sat at a table across from theirs.

Juliette was mad. James Flemont potter was playing a dangerous game. And she couldn't be mad at Lily. She probably doesn't even know about the fight.
  "Here you are." Neil smiled. Two can play this game potter. Juliette stood up and moved into the booth with him, facing James.
  "Thank you, Neil. Your so kind."
  "Yeah, thanks." He blushed.
  "So tell me about quidditch, your such a good player." She asked, leaning her head on his shoulder. Neil began talking but Juliette was hardly paying attention. She watched James until he would look over at them (which was a lot) and then look back a Neil with doe eyes.
  "That's so amazing." She said.
  "Yeah I guess it is."

She went on like this the whole date. James and Lily looked to be having a good conversation as Jules and Neil began to leave.
They had made it back to the Gryffindor portrait hole.
  "Do you wan to tell me what that was about?" He asked.
  "What?" She got nervous.
  "That's not how you act normally." He raised an eyebrow. She sighed.
  "I'm sorry Neil, it's just... I don't see you in that way..." she hopped that he wouldn't get mad. He didn't.
  "It's ok, I get it, we can definitely be friends if you'd like."
  "Yes! Definitely! I love that idea. Friends." She said. They hugged and she went in.


Sirius was sitting with Remus on the couch and peter was half asleep in the floor in front of a chess board.
  "Hey Jules, how was the date?" Remus was cut off by James and Lily entering.
  "Good night James, Jules." She said. Then she left the room.

The room was tense. Like a land mine. If anyone moved, something, or someone, will explode. James and Juliette just stared at one another, both glaring.
  "How was the date?" Sirius asked James.
  "Good." He hissed.
  "Jules?" Pads asked.
  "Just fine? you were drooling over him." James said.
  "You've been drooling over Lily for years so you have no room to talk." They both glared more intensely.

  "Why were you there James?" She asked aggressively.
  "I was on a date."
  "Yeah, after finding out I was going on a date."
  "Did your legs get cold?" He asked sarcastically.
  "No he kept his hand on them the whole time." She retorted. James let out a scoff.
  "What's so funny?"
  "Of course he had his hands all over you, just like every other bloke in this school!"
  "What did you just say? Are you calling me a whore!" She got closer to him.
  "If the shoe fits!" 
  "My shoe will fit up your arse!"
  "Guys calm Dow-" Sirius shut up after they both glared at him.

  "Ugh! Not everything is about you James!" She yelled.
  "I could say the same about you!"
  "Are you kidding me? It. Was. A. Date!"
  "So was mine!"
  "Yeah after you found out i was going on one!"
  "Why does it bother you!"
  "Because I wanted some alone time!"
  "Why so you could snog him!"

  "So that's what this is about... what time are you going to bring up because you kissed me in detention!"
  "You what?" Peter asked.
  "Shut it!" They both said.
  "You kissed me in the locker room!"
  "That is completely different! You ran away!"
  "I was feeling conflicted!" He shouted louder.

  "Your conflicted?! James if my parents even knew I was still talking to you they would have my head! When I kissed you in the locker room that was fun! You know in front of everyone! But we were alone! Do you know what those moments alone with you mean to me?!" The room was silent as she cried in rage.
  "Boys leave." James demanded. They rushed out as fast as they could go.

She sniffled, trying to stop crying.
  "Show me what those moments mean." Said James stepping closer to her.  
  "When we're alone, you said they mean something to you. We're alone now, show me."
She looked at the boy in front of her. He looked tired. Tired of fighting.
  "Juliette... show me." He whispered, cupping her face with both of his hands.

She pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and kissed him passionately. His hands moved to her waist and hers to his face. Never breaking the kiss. Soon enough their tongues were fighting for dominance. Slowly moving back to the couch. They sat for a second lips still together until James slowly laid her down  and laid on top of the girl. He moved his hand under her sweater and kissed down her neck and collarbone. She let out a small gasp when he bit her gently. She slightly pulled on his hair.

She then hooked her leg around him and flipped on top of him and kissed his swollen lips again. Biting his bottom lip occasionally. Both of his hands rested on her waist under the clothes she was wearing. All until he moved one hand down and rested it in the waistband of her underwear not moving any further down. He flipped them again.
  "James." She gasped. Hearing his name leaver her sweet lips like that made him groan.
  "James," she pushed him up to look at him. "If these were my clothes I wouldn't mind,  but there not."
He chuckled. They looked into each others eyes.

"No running this time?" She asked.
  "No running," he assured. "No shutting me out?"
  "No, no shutting you out."
He placed a long lingering kiss on her lips.
  "We should go to bed." She said.
  "Slow down woman, I just made out with the girl that's been driving me mad." He laid down on her and snuggled his head into her neck. They both fell asleep this way.

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