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The common room was bustling with people walking around making sure the got everything for the summer. The boys stood in a circle, talking. Juliette joined them.

  "Morning boys, got everything packed?" She asked . Although she was still a bit scared to talk to James and Sirius, afraid they would suddenly change there minds about her and hate her again.

  "Yup, do you?" James asked.
  "I hope so." She chucked. The rest of the group smiled at them. They we're talking again, laughing with each other. It was a simple thing to be doing, but an important one.

They had all decided to roam the halls one last time as six years. Remus and Sirius would share meaningful looks and winks here and there. Peter was holding good conversation about a heated chess match with Jules and James was enjoying the company.

  "Miss Sallow, if you would visit my office before you leave the grounds." Dumbledore said. Juliette didn't even see nor hear him approaching the group.
  "Yes professor." She replied. The old man walked away.
Sirius looked at her strangely, it hardly compared to the way Peter was looking at her.

  "Are you all packed ?" Juliette asked Lily.
  "Yup, though I wish we didn't have to leave." The ginger-haired girl sighed.
Juliette agreed whole heartedly. Going home was nerve racking, Dumbledore had added to her anxiety's.

Lily had complained about Petunia and her new boyfriend Vernon. She said that they were perfect for each other, he was just as miserable and dreadful to be around as her sister. Though Lily would love Petunia no matter the dreadful men her sister chose.

"You alright love?" Asked Alice. Juliette hadn't noticed that she was standing in front of her bed, zoned out, staring at a box.
  "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry." Juliette straightened up and smiled.


While everyone was looking through their lists one last time Juliette was walking the halls to the headmasters office.
  "Sherbet Lemon"  she stated. The statue began to move letting her in.

She had been to his office before. the 'Marauders' had gotten her sent there before, on multiple occasions actually. It was a large circular room full of rare and unusual magical artefacts. Portraits of previous headmasters and mistresses on the walls watched over Dumbledore's work and the students that entered.

  "Hello? Professor?" She called out. Many of the other students were scared of the man. Knowing his power and status. She, however, could care less. He was always kind to her.

  "Please sit." He replied from a room above. Juliette did just that, sitting in a chair in front of the older man's desk. The phoenix that usually sat, perched on his desk wasn't there today.
  "He must have just burnt up?" She asked him as he sat.
  "Oh yes, it's taking much longer than usual for him to rise again though."

It was an awkward silence, for her anyway. Knowing the strange man, he probably enjoyed the silence.
  "Why didn't you call me here professor?" She asked, growing a bit impatient.
  "Stay safe this summer." He said calmly.
  "That's all, stay safe?" She asked.

Was this really all he needed her for. Was to tell her to stay safe. He had done that last night at dinner, announcing the same thing to everyone in the great hall.

  "I suppose, and to give you this." Dumbledore slid a sheet of paper to her on his desk . She looked at it hesitantly.
  "What is it?" She asked, reading the words on the paper.
  "An idea I had."
Order of the Phoenix.

"An idea?"
  "Precisely, just an  idea, a club of sorts-" he was cut off by the girl,
  "Or an order." She said. 
  "Yes, an order, where bright young, and old, minds come together to fight the dark arts. I believe it to be a good idea, if approached by the right people. Don't you agree?"

She sat for a second. Surely he didn't care wether or not Juliette Sallow approved of his idea or not. Unless he had a much bigger ego than she suspected and no one had given it a boost lately.

  "It's a good idea, just be careful who you trust." She shrugged.
  "I think the exact thing. If you would mind, not telling anyone about it yet." He said, taking the paper back.
  "Of course professor... may I leave?" She asked, getting ready to stand.
  "Of course, wouldn't want you missing your train, I don't suppose your mother would be very fond of you being late." He said standing.

Just as she was leaving he called out,
  "And one more thing, miss Sallow," there was an unsettling pause. "Help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who deserve it."
  "Yes professor...have a good summer." She replied. He nodded and she left the room.


"What was that all about?" Asked Sirius as they all boarded the train.
  "We needed to talk about some classes I was taking next year that's all." She assured them dropped the topic.

"Do you have any plans this summer?" Juliette asked the cart full of boys.
"Not really."
"Nothing." They all said.
"Interesting bunch you lot are." She chuckled.

"And you?" James asked a tone of slight worry filling his voice.
"Survive." Juliette attempted a joke but he looked at her so sorrowfully it made her practically melt.
"I'll be fine." She added.

Sirius and Remus left the cart to use the bathroom as they called it, though most people called it snogging.
  "You can... come over this summer... if you really need to... for anything." James said to her after clearing his throat.
  "James honestly I will be alright." She tried to convince him but the look on his face didn't change.

  "At least try to write us, Sirius will be a nervous wreck if you don't." James said.
  "I'll try... I promise." She smiled at him.

After a while the train came to a stop and the feeling of nausea in her stomach only grew. She could see her mother through the window. Nothing changed about the woman, the same look of vanity and power displayed horrifyingly on her face.

"Daughter." The older woman greeted.
  "Mother." Juliette replied.
  "You've been eating too much."
Jules looked down.
  "Im sorry." The woman said nothing In response, only turned and began walking.

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