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"Where you off to?" Dinah questions, walking past her mom to get to the friend for a water bottle.

"Class reunion." Beyoncé fixed her jacket.

"Ew they still do those?" Dinah asks as she gulps her water bottle down.

"Life has been busy, just an excuse to get out of work and other things." Beyoncé waved.

"Well-" Their conversation was cut short when a knock on the door draws their attention.

Beyoncé looks at Dinah who shrugs before going over to the door and answered it.

"Hi hi hiiiii." Beyoncé's mother, Dinah's grandmother sang while entering the place with a bag full of gifts for the two.

"Hey mom, not that I'm not happy to see you but why you here?" Beyoncé wondered.

"Was bored and since the holidays are coming up, why not visit earlier." Queen hugs Dinah tightly before pulled away to get a full view of her drastic change.

"Well I gotta get going, have fun with Dinah." Beyoncé laugh then leaves.

" Dinah, tell me. Do you gotta girlfriend?" Queen rose a teasing eyebrow and Dinah eyes widened.

"Ugh, not happening." Dinah walked away.

"Hey!" Queen followed behind...

"Beyoncé!" Megan greeted as soon as she entered the building.

"Megan?" Beyoncé looked down at the shorter girl.

"Yep! You remember Amanda?" Megan pulled away.

"The nerd? The valedictorian?" Beyoncé questions.

"Yes, she's my wife." Megan beamed, a brighter smile replacing her grin.

"You're joking." Beyoncé jaw dropped, that was the last thing she would expect.

The popular cheerleader with the nerdy valedictorian, that is one story.

"She's not." Amanda sighed and handed her wife a drink which she accepted gratefully.

"Holy shit. At least you had a glow up." Beyoncé complimented and Amanda shrugs but laughs.

"Yeah yeah." She shakes her head as Rihanna walks up to the trio.

"Nice for you to finally join us." Rihanna gave Beyoncé a drink and Beyoncé rose an eyebrow.

"You seem like you're in a good mood." She notes.

"I'm in an amazing mood, slightly buzzed but I'm great!" Rihanna beginning to the music and Megan joins her quickly as they make their way to the dance floor.

"Her children are so cute, especially Montero." Amanda sparked a conversation with Beyoncé while watching her wife dance with a smile.

"Montero? No one mentions him." Beyoncé sits down.

"Why not? He's an icon." Amanda rose an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but do you have any kids?" Beyoncé questions.

"Got a sperm donor to get Megan pregnant, she had our daughter named Lauren. She is about Normani's age." Amanda explained after nodding to Beyoncé question. "You?" She wondered.

"You probably already met her. Dinah." Beyoncé took sip of her drink.

"Oh- OH! Normani's girl. Y'all do look very similar so I should've realized. When that happen?" Amanda laughs remembering that Beyoncé and Rihanna used to or probably still does but she doesn't exactly know, had something.

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