Pride of a Hero

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Suddenly the boy was cut off as Stain knocked him across the face, causing him to stumble back

"Focus on "Killing me" Boy!" The Killer dashed at him leaving a streak of fire in his wake.

They clashed swords, triggering the boy "ILL KILL YOU ALRIGHT." Sending shockwaves throughout the street.

They dashed around the city with explosions being left in their wake, the Fire getting exceedingly stronger.

Midnight looked at the fight and could see the escalation of this fight.

The fire's worsened as the Oynx flames simply made the situation worst, if it didn't look like Hell before. Surely they must've been in purgatory.

"Midoriya! Stop! You're only making the fires worst!?" She used water spells to disburse the flames, trying to blow them out.

However the boy wouldn't listen, The Albion for some apparent reason. Seemed to have gotten more agitated, but why??

It started to become more wild and violent body slamming into buildings, and fisting the street.

"MIDORIYA!!" Once he heard Meliodas' voice, he backed up gaining distance from Stain now on the defensive.

"What is it!?" He had to defend as Stain swiped his sword at him aggressively.

"I know your not in the best state of mind right now but-!" He grit his teeth, ducking under Stain's blade. Stain grabbing his head and kneeing his nose.

"Give it up fake hero!"

"Over my dead body!?" He caught the knee, stabbing into it with his sword.

"AUGH-!? YOU BRAT!" He kicked him off using his free leg, as he pulled the sword out. Blood Spewing from his knee as he started to shake

"Damn?! He my leg feels like it's on the verge of collapsing!?" Izuku watched not, capitalizing on it surprisingly.

"Izuku an Albion is attack the city! You gotta kill it! Nobody else has the fire power to do so!"  Izuku came to a realization, looking up to his side. He could see it

The Giant Monster towering over the city, crushing everything under its feet or it's massive weight.

Helicopters we're filming the atrocities distracting the beast, unfortunately they didn't have Mount Lady to help distract it without risking civilian lives.

"No! Get away from it!" He tried to run towards it, though Stain slashed at him. Cutting his cheek "TCH-!"

"Don't run now!" He grinned, a maniacal look on his face "Didn't you claim you would kill me!"

He grit his teeth, backing up and spinning his sword a bit "I WILL!?"


They clashed but suddenly their swords cracked before completely breaking into shards of metal on the floor.

Though, they didn't care. They swung at each other one last time, this would decide this fight.

Stain lifted up his elbow and brings it down trying to knock the boy out. However Izuku caught the elbow with one hand

"I TOLD YOU..." He growled as he looked up at him with pure rage "I'LL KILL YOU!!" He uppercut'd Stain's jaw launching him up spinning out.

"How.. How could I lose!? To a brat like him?!" He landed on the floor, out for the time being.

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now