The Speech (SF PT.1)

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The Day..Has Arrived

We cut to our Green haired Demon Boy, waking up and putting on his U.A. Uniform. His mom waved goodbye as he replied with "I'm gonna win Mom! Watch me!" She waved as she smiled "I'll be watching you sweetie!"

He left the house, running for U.A. Many things awaiting him Today. He knew this specifically since today was...

"U.A. Sports Festival!" He heard from other excited students as he ran by them. It only excited him more as he knew how Big this exactly was

In Class 1A

He sat down with Many of the others in the class bickering of their excitement, like Kirishima who was excited to see how "Manly" the other classes are, or Mina with how Heroes may recruit them and Todoroki who.... Actually he didn't look that excited at all, he looked debatably angry which off put everyone but sooner or later, A very bandaged up face man appeared "Hello Students, Are you all ready for this battle?"


Tsu looked on, seemingly worried "Sensei, Are you sure you're alright? Kero" He turned towards the Frog Girl "I assure you I am fine to watch and see My class play in the Sports Festival." He continued on "Anyways, you all know how important this is to you're Hero careers correct? Depending on how well you do" this caused everyone to start cheering

"Oh Yea! I can't wait this'll be so much fun!" Said Kaminari, however everyone knowing Aizawa looked on in worry as Aizawa as expected scoffed, "So this is just fun to you huh?" Everyone expected Aizawa to say something but he sighed as the Bell rang "Well it's time for you to go, all of you get in you're sports uniform and walk to the Stadium, it's outside the school campus so you should be able to see it." Everyone started cheering as Bakugo led the way opening the door until he was met with-

"Uhh...Captain i'm being blocked—" He said turning to Izuku and pointing, "What do you..— Oh-" THEY WERE SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE

"The door is utterly surrounded!" Say Uraraka in slight worry and this worry would only increase when a certain person or well Class, "Class 1A you guys don't look so tough to me!" Said a Silver haired student as Bakugo and Midoriya sort of looked on eyes twitching for completely different reasons this didn't help when more people came to insult their class specifically "You're class must think it's so much better than Us! You steal all the spot light thinking you're big shots getting constantly attacked and fighting Villains, Nothing but Stuck up annoyances!" As this snapped something in Bakugo's brain as he yelled "OI SHUT THE HELL UP!" As everyone stopped and looked at him "I DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL ANY OF YOU ARE. BUT I REFUSE FOR YOU TO MAKE FUN OF ME OR MY CLASSMATES GO DO SOMETHING ELSE AND HOP OFF OUR DICKS" This response therefore infuriated the other classes as they boo'd which then Class 1-A realized "Andddd there goes our reputation.." While they didn't care about that as much as this "I MONOMA DECLARE WAR ON YOU'RE CLA—" which was cut off by an Tangerine haired girl smacking the back of his neck and knocking him out "Sorry about him!" She said as she and others made way for the Class, which was disturbed that someone would even declare war on them—

At the Stadium

The class had changed to their sports uniform, as they walked through the Hallway leading to the outside as they we're called by Present Mic, "Now Welcome and Put you're hands together for..CLASS 1A!" As everyone walked out, they looked around at the people cheering for them

"So many people, I feel like I could freeze up right here!" Said Denki as Mina and Kirishima nodded agreeing with their friend as their class and others merged, looking at Midnight who was wearing very..Revealing clothing

Kirishima noticed as he slightly averted his eyes from the 18+ rated Hero "Should she really be wearing that and teaching Students

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Kirishima noticed as he slightly averted his eyes from the 18+ rated Hero "Should she really be wearing that and teaching Students..."

"Welcome U.A. Students! Today we are here for the Sports Festival! As usual we will have multiple events set up for you students to prove yourselves in! Since there are so many of you we'll be doing multiple events! Such as an (almost) 4km race around the building! A Calvary Battle and a Tournament setting but first! A word from the student who placed No.1 in the Start of Year Exams! Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku looking up and realizing what he had to do almost made him completely freeze up

"You got this Sir Izuku!" Said Uraraka

"Go up Captain!" Said Bakugo

He inhaled, mustering the courage to walk up to her and take the Mic, he adjusted his voice

"We are all here today for the U.A. Sports Festival, as competitive this is we must remember to treat each other with respect and go all out and not hold back! Plus Ultra!" He said the crowd being silent

".....PLUS ULTRA? THAT WAS SO GOOD UP UNTIL THAT PART GOD DAMMIT THAT WAS SO CRINGY SON OF A—" He told himself until Meliodas stopped his train of thought "Look Kid!" As Izuku finally noticed people starting to raise their hands, clapping their hands and cheering

He smiled, joining the crowd

To be Continued..

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