Obstacle Race!

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Off Screen, the classes committed tom foolery, with the warm up events before the actual preliminaries started

However once everyone was warned up, Midnight called them all to gather around, "Now Students it's time for the first real event of the preliminaries! And that is..."

Suddenly a big screen TV had spun a wheel with a few different events as the wheel stopped landing on '4 km Race' Midnight responding accordingly "A 4 Km Race! You will all do a full lap around the Stadium with 3 separate parts! Consisting of a full dash, a canyon and Mine field, don't worry the mines won't hurt, it'll be just really annoying" She said seemingly floating legs crossed

Through the crowd, Izuku could see Shoto, who also looked at him; Their eyes meeting both of them remembering a promise made to each other

Flash Back

Just before they headed out, Izuku was preparing to go out with little hops and stretches but before he could "Oi Midoriya."

The boy turned to see Shoto "Ah, Shoto what is it?", the Dual haired fairy-boy looked at him "I am Stronger than you. You also hold connection to my 'father' from how you both use Fire Powers, you're powers just seem stronger." Izuku looked at him, not intimidated or determined but...Confused

"You mean Endeavor—? How do-" This got a confused reaction out the green haired boy as they had completely different hair styles and completely different eyes and hair, "Whatever, I declare war on you Midoriya! To determine who is the strongest in our class!"

Izuku shook his head, snapping back to reality as he was still confused "He was working with us like 2 weeks ago with no problem but what's the problem now..—" Meliodas gave a sound of a comedic shrug

However before Izuku could respond Shoto had already left

"...What the hell just happened-"

Cut back to current time

He turned away from him, with Mina noticing as she went to Midoriya, "Brother sure is stubborn" Izuku agreeing with her, "Any reason on why he changed up so fast?" She nodded "It's because our Father is watching this, well not only cause that it's because Shoto apparently wants to prove something to him, I don't know"

Izuku looked somewhat annoyed, He could somewhat relate to Shoto due to wanting to prove to his Mom and everyone he could become a hero with this power, however it was way more healthy compared to the possible relationship Shoto had with his own father

Eventually, everyone lined up at the starting Izuku and Bakugo getting in a position to sprint "Ready to eat my Dust Captain?" Izuku chuckled "You're on Pomeranian!"


Every Contestant stretched a little, some being nervous


The Audience is at the edge of their seats


Midnight's voice on the Microphone slowly echo'd before


Izuku, Shinso, Bakugo, Shoto, Momo and Mina all sprinted/Flew making practically everyone eat their dust, people trying to catch up, as the 6 went in and out of the Tunnel with Shoto being in first and flying
ahead, Midoriya Bakugo, Momo and Mina coming outside in that order. Shinso being the last to escape but still was faster than most if the other students


"What do you think EraserHead?" Mic said to his 'Pal' with Aizawa tiredly responding "I don't exactly know myself these batch of kids really are something so anything could happen. Not to mention I don't choose favorites."

They got to the real first part, as Lots of Zero Pointers surrounded them "THIS WASN'T PART OF THE RUN" said a random student with Mic responding with

"Whoops, Forgot to say there are loads of Zero Pointers to get past to get to the next part!" This caused a groan from everyone

Shoto immediately turned his pillow in Chastifold "Chastiefol: Form Five!" As the Spear turned into a collection of small kunai as Shoto rained on all of the Kunai on both robots "Fight Fire with Fire!" It was too much as the robots shut down, standing up.

Others passed by, however Izuku turned to see the robots started to fall forward onto students as immediately he ran back activating the Demon Mark for Extra speed as he stopped a Zero pointer from falling onto the others holding it up "Rrgh...!? Damnit!" As he growled, burning the robot into Ash and saving all those who would have been crushed by it, unfortunately the other one also fell "NO!?" The robot fell before Izuku could stop it, as Mic and the others gasped.

Izuku got on his knees and looked down "I was too late..." thankfully though two identical looking Manly Men bursted out the rubble "AHHH!" It was Kirishima and TetsuTetsu! Thankfully only those two were crushed "Thankfully no other people got crushed that wasn't very manly of him!" As Izuku sighed in relief "OH THANK GOD YOU BOTH ARE OK" Izuku got up, sighing in relief however it didn't relinquish his anger and it was set on one man in 1st place, almost everyone slowing down cause they could feel his pure presence which was emitting pressure they never thought was possible

"W-Woah! Izuku's raw anger is creating a pressure that has everyone stopped in their tracks!" Mic said in amazement

Izuku steps caused the ground to slightly crack as he made a yell that could be heard for miles "SHOTOOOOOO!"

Shoto turned to see the angered Izuku, getting on his guard "He's mad..I need to keep my guard up while maintaining a good lead." "I mean you do somewhat deserve it, you could've potentially crushed multiple Students by not destroying them properly." Who responded to Shoto's inner monologue was a Tall Man, with Giant Wings

"Those are you're people just as much as the Fairies are mine, Not to mention you want to be a hero right?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Those are you're people just as much as the Fairies are mine, Not to mention you want to be a hero right?"

Before Shoto could respond, a shock wave could be heard as Izuku in his Demon Form had already caught up even passing others

He pushed away Momo, yelling "MOVE OUT THE WAY." As she fell onto the ground and getting up "Jeez— Todoroki must've really gotten under his skin..."

"Tell me bout it, I never seen him this mad before" Bakugo replied, Shinso even agreeing with a nod, responding with "This may get a little ugly."

To Be Continued.

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ