
Practice after school was better than morning practice. But that's usually how it is.

We worked on passing.

Gordon went back out of town. His team is playing Tampa right now and that's a game no one really wants to miss as an Avalanche fan.

Diane went back to work today. And Scarlett had a longer cheer practice after school. So I picked up Angie.

And we're on the way to get Wolf from his after school care.

"You know, Melly asked about you today."

I looked at her when we stopped at the red light, "What did you say?"

She shrugged and tucked her phone under her left leg, "I told him, he needs to talk to you."

I nodded, "I think my Dad has his phone." I skipped the song and glanced at her, "I heard about you and little Tuck."

She rolled her eyes then sat up a little straighter. "What did you hear?"

I laughed, "I am sworn to secrecy."

"It's good things, though? Right?" She put her arm on the dash and turned towards me more, "Natalie Wilson."

I smiled harder, "It's great things, Angelina." I finally pulled into the elementary school. Once I pulled into a parking lot, I reached in my backpack and grabbed my ID. "Do you wanna come in?"

She shook her head and pulled her phone back out, "I don't think so. It's a trap. Wolf is gonna show you every piece of art he's ever made."

I smiled at her, "I'll be right back."

This elementary school is new. And probably full of upper class kids with the way their parking lot has absolutely no potholes. Or cracks. The windows are completely clean. Fresh mulch.

I'm getting off track.

I pressed the buzzer and waited until someone spoke up.

"Hi, welcome to Harrison Elementary. Can I help you?"

I cleared my throat and ignored my overly sweaty palms for the middle of winter, "Yeah, I'm here to pick up Wol- Henry Santoro. He's in Mrs. Jen's class."

"You're Natalie Wilson?"

"Yup." I nodded remembering Diane already called the school.

"I'll buzz you in. If you don't have your state ID with you we can use your school ID." Then the door buzzed.

I followed the signs through the dimly lit hallway and found the right classroom.

Henry stood up immediately and rushed over to me.

"Hey buddy." I ruffled his hair and pulled my ID out of my pocket, looking over to the elderly woman sitting right by the door, "Is there a sign out sheet or anything?"

The woman nodded, "Right here. And if you have some form of ID."

I took my wallet out of my back pocket and handed her my ID then signed the form.

She nodded and put her own signature next to mine. Then she smiled at Henry, "I'll see you tomorrow Henry."

He smiled back but didn't say anything to her. Instead, he started pulling me towards the wall of cubbies.

A wave of nostalgia hit me as I remembered my own. The bee stickers my teacher gave me to decorate it with. That stupid metal lunchbox I just had to have.

He stopped in front of the last cubby on the row, "This is mine."

I nodded and grabbed his lunchbox from the top shelf and slid it into his Paw Patrol backpack.

Then I helped him put his coat, jacket, and gloves on. "Are you ready to get home?"

He nodded and grabbed my hand, "Is Daddy home?"

I looked at my watch and saw it was only 4:36, "Not yet but your Mama should be getting there pretty soon."

We talked about his day until we made it out to the car. I buckled him in and played my 'camp counselor core' playlist on Spotify because it's the only one that doesn't have any sort of cuss words.

Henry went straight to sleep when we made it back to the Santoros.

Now, Angie and I are sitting in the main living room. I'm doing homework and Angie is very focused on Baddies.

The front door opened and closed and Mrs. Santoro came walking in with a box of pizza. She looked at Angie and I on the couch, "Is Scarlett still at practice?"

I checked my watch again. 6:43. I looked back up at Diane as she set the pizza on the coffee table, "Yeah but she has state coming up."

Angie tapped me with her foot, "What about your practices? Don't you literally have your regionals game tomorrow?"

I shrugged and sat up a bit more, "Cheerleading and hockey are very different. They have new routines to memorize all the time and we've basically had the same plays since middle school."

"Well, hopefully you two are in the mood for pizza." Diane set her bag in the armchair, "I assume Wolf is sleeping?"

Angie nodded and stood up.

"Out like a light." I looked at my phone and replied to Sydney asking about the color scheme tomorrow.

Angie came back in with paper plates and handed me one.

And we ate dinner. In their living room. Watching Star Wars.

I actually really like this.

But how much longer can it last?

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