By the time I finally get to the surface, I cough out the water from my lungs and take in a large gulp of air even though it hurt my throat. I allow myself to breathe in the cool air for a while before deciding to swim over to the land....but I felt myself frozen in place. My mind is ready to get the hell out of here but my body and subconscious prevents me from making any further movement to get out of the water.

"What the fuck?" I yell out.

And then I feel it.

The painful tug in my chest.

I have never felt this before in my entire life. What the freaking hell is wrong with me? What kind of sorcery is this? What kind of rotten feeling is this? I will not be blackmailed by this nonsense.

"No. No. No. Fuck, no!" I shout in callous disdain, my body burning with utter resentment. "Why the hell are you tormenting me? I am Aran. The man who destroys lives and shows no mercy. I will not be manipulated like this. Never! You hear me? Fuck you!" I yell at no one in particular.

It takes a couple of minutes of me just yelling profanities while looking directly at the sky before I blow out an annoyed breath and dive back into the water from whence I came.

I'm gonna regret this.

I know I will.

I swim back down to the car and go through the broken window. Gritting my teeth so hard, I wrap my arms around Rayne's waist and slowly pull her out of the car.

"You better be worth all this trouble, sweetheart, because I won't let this happen again. I won't let you have control over me. Never." I grunt in irritation, struggling as hell to get her back to the surface. Her head falls to my shoulder, my arm keeping her securely against my body. 

The water pushes down on me from all sides, preventing me from getting to the surface once again. My arms and legs start to go numb from the ceaseless movement, water flooding over my lips, freezing them as it poured into my mouth. Pressure pushes against me from all sides, threatening to let the tide pull me under.

The edges of my reason blurred as I desperately clawed at the water, trying to shoot us to the surface. Death lurked at the corner. I could feel it, mocking me, taunting the freaking hell out of me.

We're both gonna die.

I knew it deep down in my gut.

The water drew us down, trapping us in a world we couldn't escape, darkness closing in on us.

But I also knew it deep down in my gut that I don't give up easily. I fight to the death. I am a force to be reckoned with.

My eyes snapped open. My mind went blank. With determination thrumming through my veins, I push back up with all the damn strength I can muster up. I don't know how much blood I have lost but it's a lot and I really can't find it in me to give a damn.

I'm going to die someday; in the most horrendous way possible and not in this stupid situation. I am much too precious for that.

"Goddamnit, Rayne. Will you just fucking open your eyes already? You're literally killing me here." I pat her cheeks and take in a deep breath when we reach the top. I cough out the water in my mouth and push back the wet strands of hair from her face. I slowly take in her features and for the first time, I realise just how insanely....beautiful she is. Her flawless skin, her highly defined cheekbones, her....her perfect lips. Droplets of water hangs on her eyelashes making her look more angel-like.

"It's official. I have gone insane." I mutter.

Chasing away the foolish thoughts and rebuking myself for thinking such things, I slowly swim back to shore. Placing her gently on the ground, I lean in close to her face and listen for a few seconds to see if she was breathing; she is.

The Spawn of LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now