Episode 41- Ignorance...

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Taehyung pov-

Fuck she's here.
After 5 years finally I got to see her.
She is looking so gorgeous like an angel fallen from the heaven, so pure, so innocent.
She was no more that girl whom I use to look at, with whom I have fallen in love. She's all woman, she has curves at all the right places. She is wearing a tight knee length black skirt with white button-up shirt. She is looking so ravishing and adorable at the same time. Her hair is open, flowing so gracefully and she is not wearing much makeup. Ofcourse my YN doesn't like makeup.
I didn't know what I was doing until I crouched down in front of her and asked her if she was alright. Listening to my voice she raised her head and her mesmerizing eyes met mine. My heart literally skipped a beat. She is shocked to see me here. Even I am. It was completely unplanned.
Her eyes widened and droplets of her pearl like tears started dropping from her eyes.
Oh no baby please don't cry. I couldn't hold myself, I lift my right hand and wiped her tears. I helped her stand up. And she immediately hugged me tightly. My whole body became rigid. Her vanilla scent surrounded me. I closed my eyes just breathing her sweet scent. I was about to hug her back, when a voice from my subconscious mind reminded me of what the hell am I doing. I have to move away from her to keep her happy. No I can't do this. I can't give her any hopes. I separate her from myself, even though that was the toughest thing to do. But I have to, for the sake of her. I kept my expression cold. She need to know that there is no us.

Listening to my reply, she immediately ran away. Fuck it's breaking me from the inside to know that I have made her cry. But instead of crying her whole life, crying now is much better. With this the meeting started, but my attention was only on my YN. I know she will try to talk to me. But I have to avoid her, ignore her as best as I could. I have to make her hate me...

YN pov-

I ran towards the terrace area and cried my heart out. After calming myself for a bit I went down and asked the recipient if I could talk to the ceo. But she said I have to take an appointment. Damn, now what to do. I told her about my company and our collaboration, in hope she would let me meet him. She called his PA, but he said that the required meeting has already been done. So there is no need for any personal meeting. Huff, I know he is avoiding me on purpose. But I am also Jeon YN.
Now, I will stalk you Mr. Kim Taehyung.
Be ready.
I waited outside his office in a cafe from where the entrance is clearly visible.
"You know you look like a creep"
"Shut up"
"Fine, but maybe he has moved on"
I snapped my head at him, he will be a dead meat soon enough.
"Is this choclate shake visible to you"
"Amm yes"
"If you didn't keep quiet, it will be soon on your face, so just shut up John"
He immediately zip up his mouth.
Just then Mr. CEO came out of the office and sat in a damn limo. Why the hell does he need a limo that too just for one person??
Oh shoot I have to follow him.
I immediately took my bag and ran outside and shit, this duffer where is he.
I again ran inside to see he is munching on his chicken burger, oh God if one murder is acceptable then he is coming to you.
"John what the hell are you doing, he had already gone, hurry up dammit"
He spitted the juice and wiped his face with the napkin and ran out.

We both quickly sat in his car. And started our mission.
"How the hell are we gonna find him"
"Duffer he is in a limo, not on a bicycle"
"Oh yeah right"
Finally we caught him.
It took almost 20 mins to reach his place. Looks like he lives in a penthouse.
John parked the car little away from his limo.
I took out my binoculars and watched at the entrance.
"Where the hell did you got that??"
"From one of my colleague"
"oh god it's weird to stalk my boss"
"Then jump out of the car"
I heard him mutter "heartless"
But now I care less, my only attention was on the main gate. I saw there were guards over there. Definitely more than three. They will not let me enter inside without owner's permission and Taehyung will definitely not allow me. Uff what to do. Then my attention went to the person beside me. He looked at me and pressed himself in his seat and started shaking his head.
"Don't you dare give me that look, I am not going there to divert their attention"
"Then how the hell will I get inside"
"I don't know" he said and turned his head to the other side.
Ok my last weapon.
I started weeping loudly and started accusing him
"You are good for nothing, how the hell did I got a friend like you, you hate me so much, you didn't want me to meet my future boyfriend, husband, the father of my kids, the grandfather of my grandchildren, you are a heartless monster, I will tell Liliana to give divorce to you, you are not a good man, wait I'll call her"
He was shocked would be an understatement.
"Fine drama queen stop your weeping, but I am telling you if I die atleast have some heart and put lilies over my grave and not roses".
"Ok" I said happily
"Can anyone say that she was weeping loudly just a minute before" he muttered but finally went out.
Tae just wait and watch
How dare you ignore me...

To be continued...

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