The figure looked down, and I had a feeling he could see me while I could not see him.

"I am dead," the third shadow decided, "I have died."

I swallowed again, dropping my head as my neck started to ache from looking up at everyone. I tried to think instead.

Three shadows. A woman and two men.

Slow realisation dawned on me, and I looked back up at the third figure, "King... Alfred?"

I could feel his eyes on me now for sure, "Yes?"

I shut my eyes, taking a step back, "The curse has been completed. Three have died for Uhtred to live."

"You must speak their names," Freyja's whisper sounded around me, "for them to find peace, speak their names."

I wanted to argue that Ragnar had been killed without a sword, so he would never find peace, but I was starting to grow tired, and the cold was becoming unbearable. "Gisela, wife of Uhtred, died in childbirth."

Gisela's shadow appeared again before promptly disappearing.

I clenched my nails into my palm, "Ragnar Ragnarsson, brother of Uhtred, murdered in his sleep."

Ragnar's shadow appeared too, and I tried to go towards it, but it vanished just as quickly as Gisela's had.

I turned back to the final shadow, Alfred's, still waiting.

I took in a deep breath. It was time to put Skade's curse to rest. "King Alfred, friend of Uhtred, died of illness."

For a brief moment, I thought I could see Alfred's face and a small smile on it. 

Then, I was awoken by someone shaking me.

My eyes snapped open, and I stared up at Saga, who looked slightly pale.

"Get up," Saga demanded promptly, "get dressed. We've had news."

I frowned, shaking off the remnants of my vision and sitting up, "What news?"

Saga sighed, running a hand through her hair, "Alfred has—"

"Died," I interrupted her, "I know. I just met him in the other world. He is gone. Uhtred's curse has ended for good."

Saga groaned softly, "Yes, well, Finan still thinks more trouble is coming, so be ready."

I watched as she dressed in her armour again, Thor's hammer at her neck, "You are getting ready to fight."

Saga paused her bundling up of the blue dress she had worn, "When a king dies, there is always unrest. We should be prepared."

I threw my legs over the side of the bed; the sun was high in the sky, at least midday. "My vision was long."

"Longer than most," Saga agreed, stuffing the dress into a satchel, "you kept speaking Ragnar's name."

I blinked quickly, lowering my head; I did not want her to know I had seen him. I wanted to keep it to myself. "I will get dressed."

Blood Moon| The Last Kingdom| Sihtric KjartanssonWhere stories live. Discover now