Uhtred's face fell again, "The curse..."

I nodded slowly, "The curse did this. Ragnar was the second sacrifice."

Uhtred's face crumpled completely, and he looked away from me, to the skies, fighting back the tears on his face. "I let this happen."

I shook my head, squeezing his shoulders, "This was not your fault. The curse of a seer is only the fault of the seer."

His heart ached, swirling with bitterness and resentment, but he pulled himself together, wiping his face. "We will ride for Winchester soon. I will kill the seer before then."

I took his hand, holding it in mine, catching his eye, "Let me, Lord."

Uhtred frowned in confusion, "What?"

I smiled slightly, "Let me kill her. It would be a great honour. I will break your curse, as I promised your brother I would do."

Uhtred stared down at me, wiping his face again, "You are not like Skade."

I shook my head, "I do not wish to hurt people with my power unless they deserve it. You and I are alike in that way."

Uhtred took a step back from me, regaining his composure, "How will you do it?"

I smoothed out my dress, "You only have to know that it will be done. I swear it."

"She invited me to bathe with her earlier," Uhtred blurted, "she is still at the lake."

I nodded curtly, backing away from him, "Then, I will see you later, Lord."

He watched me go but did not say anything as I made my way back into the hall, seeking out Saga, who sat with Uhtred's men and Olav carving something out of wood.

"Saga," I called out to her.

She raised her head, lowering her dagger and holding up the figurine of a bear she had carved out of wood, "Lady."

I approached her, "I wish to bathe. You will join me."

Saga lowered the wooden piece, frowning at me, "I will?"

"The waters here are new," I told her simply, "they may be dangerous. I do not wish to take any chances."

Realisation dawned on Saga's face as she searched the room for Skade with her eyes and found her missing. 

"It's just water," Olav snorted, playing a game of cards with Sihtric.

"Water can be a friend," I glanced at him, narrowing my eyes, "but it can also be a foe."

Olav rolled his eyes, "Of course, Lady."

Saga lowered her figurine to the table, sliding it over to Osferth wordlessly before standing, "I have been meaning to wash anyway."

"You bathed last night," Olav snorted, "how dirty did you get in half a day?"

Sihtric eyed the man wearily, sighing softly, "You are not very clever, are you?"

Saga snorted softly, "He is not, so remember to speak to him slowly, else he'll be confused."

"I will pray for your safe returns," Osferth called out to us as we turned to leave.

I smiled at him slightly as he cradled Saga's wooden creation in his hands, studying it carefully, "Thank you, Osferth."

"And if you should need any assistance, Lady," Finan spoke up at last, his eyes meaningful, "feel free to yell for us. We would be happy... to assist."

I nodded slightly, leading Saga out of the hall before any more attention was drawn to us, and we made our way down a path, towards a clearing and the lake.

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