SP: A Close Save

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Modern AU


Hello, hello!

Please don't start going on about the fact I was gone for a week-

I'm started TWO new books, and I'm totally busy with those.

As well as my finals coming up--

So yes, I'm dead.

Now, about the SP; I'm doing a Susan imagine bec really early in the morning, I woke up, and was like, "I need a new idea."

And began scripting and writing possible things.

Now, I know most people do this with Edmund or Peter or Caspian or some shit, but I'm doing it with Susan.

Because it's expected.

Now, enough yapping, let's goooo

(You're a girl in this. Yes, all of it will have Y/N as a girl.)



I had called Susan in the morning, and she promised me that she'd go shopping with me.

Because we hadn't gone together in a while.

And then, she told me she had other stuff to do, so she'd meet me at the mall.

And I said fine.

Mainly because I have a huge crush on her, and I'd do anything for her. Not like those other snobby people trying to impress her though.

Susan is beautiful, smart and logical. She's perfect.

Not to mention she's super sweet.

But I'm getting far too ahead of myself. I check the time. 11:40.

She said she'd be here by 11:30?!

Heaving a sigh, I step out of the mall, deciding to check out the café right next door.

And guess who I find? Susan.

She's sitting with some guy, and doesn't look too comfortable. Huh.

Maybe he's flirting with her?

I can see her glance at me when she hears the doorbell ring, and she has the most pleading look in her eyes.

And a small bit of jealousy builds up in me.

But, I'm gonna help her.

So squaring my shoulders, I walk that way, and stop next to her.

"Hey, love," I say, smiling softly as I wrap an arm around her shoulder. I sent her a subtle wink. "Sorry about the long wait, I got a bit caught up."

"That's fine," she replies, returning my smile. I then glare at the guy sitting ahead.

"Is this guy bothering you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. And he visibly gulps. "Because, dude, she has a girlfriend."

He then excuses himself, and stands up. And leaves. I'm pretty intimidating.

Susan sends me a grateful smile. "Thank you so much. That guy had me stuck here for over an hour!"

"It's fine," I say, although I actually enjoyed being that protective about her. "Shopping?"

"Definitely," she smiles. The cutest smile ever. "But I owe you now.."

"No, you don't," I argued. "We're friends."

The irony.

"I insist on paying you back," she states, and I smirk, knowing she's pretty stubborn.

"You really wanna pay me back?" I question, earning a nod. "Then go on a date with me."

I saw her blush. And then she actually nods!

"You sure?" she teases. And I smile.



I couldn't do this properly, and I wa fiddling with words.

It doesn't even sound like how I pictured it-

But I'm bad at this kinda thing so sorry. .

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