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Narnia AU


You're the daughter of Lilac and Michael L/N. You're also a cousin to the Pevensies. Your parents died in the bombing, hence you stayed with your cousins, at the Professor's house. At least for a while, before you moved out.

Now, you want to stay in Narnia, since you have no one left. But one part of you wants to stay with the Pevensies.

Aslan gave you a second choice.



You turned to the Lion, pursing your lips. Peter and Susan turned towards you, sad smiles on their face.

"May I stay, Aslan?" you asked, hesitantly.

"What?" Lucy asked. The girl looked ready to cry. The last straw broke when Lucy said that, but you were sure you wanted to stay. Or were you?

"I'm staying," you replied, lowering your head. Edmund glanced at his elder siblings, who seemed to understand, well, sort of.

"Why?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"I have no one back in London, Ed. But here.."

"You have us, Y/N!" Lucy cried, the salty liquid leaking from her eyes. You shook your head, swallowing your tears.

"I'm sorry, Lu," you mumbled. "I will miss you guys," you mustered a sad smile.

"She's staying, Lu, there's nothing we can do about it," Peter managed, laying a hand on his younger sister.

Lucy rushed forward, barreling you into a hug. She held tightly onto your torso.

"Come with us, please. What'll we tell mum and dad?" she asked, although it was muffled by your shirt.

"Aslan will take care of that, don't worry," you said, crouching down and hugging her equally tight. "Besides, you and Ed'll come back, right? I'll be there."

"Okay, I'll miss you," she said, as you wiped her tears. Susan came forward after that, and you rose, wrapping your arms around her shoulders.

"Don't worry, Su, I won't steal your Caspian," you joked through your tears. Susan shook her head in amusement, making a small eye contact with the said prince.

"We'll miss you, Y/N/N, all of us," the elder girl said, grabbing your shoulders. You hugged her again.

You made your way to Edmund, who didn't hesitate to hug you tightly.

"I don't understand, why won't you come?" he asked, as he buried his face into your shoulder.

"Between us, I want to try staying in Narnia. Considering that when we came last time, it felt more home, you know? And if it doesn't work out, back to you guys," you answered, although with all the good-byes, you felt less unsure.

"Alright," the dark haired boy said, sighing.

You then went to the eldest.

"You're about to break, aren't you?" he chuckled.

"If any of you ask me to stay one more time, then yes, definitely," you retorted, your E/C eyes watering as you tackled him into a hug. Peter smiled sadly.

"Well then, I'm not asking you to stay, although I will miss your annoying jokes," he said.

"Wow, just wow," you laughed sarcastically, pulling back and clapping. "I'll miss you too, High King Peter the Magnificent."

The blonde king shook his head in amusement befor hugging you again.

"Then I'll miss you too, Queen Y/N the Considerate," he said. "Although I'm not sure if you're being considerate right now."

"I am!" you whacked his arm, giggling, before a sad smile made its way to your face when you saw his glossy blue eyes. "At least I think so."

He shrugged, before laying a hand on Lucy, who was crying hard by now.

"Come on, Lu," Peter said, leading her to the Twisted Tree as you stepped back. Caspian squeezed your hand in comfort as you wiped your eyes.

"Is it a bad moment to say I consider you as my sister after everything we've been through?" the Telmarine prince asked. You shook your head, smiling.

"No. Because I consider you as a brother too, Cas."


F*cking sh*t. I keep writing sad stuff.


I need ideas lol. But I have a few things in mind.

And do comment! I don't want ghost readers.

Btw, I have two other imagines that are continuations of this one.

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