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Hello there! This is a collection of bloopers. Bloopers of TLTWTW, PC, and VOTD if Y/N was in the movies.

I'm doing scenes with all the ships! Including the actors themselves ehe

Let's dive in!


Third Person POV:

Y/N, Skandar, Anna and Peter ran ahead, the clang of swords reverberated in the air as the cameras followed them.

Y/N heard Anna mutter something about William's character, Peter, being a 'bloody idiot who never thinks', and she couldn't hide a snicker.

"No, stop!" the actress heard Georgie cry out, and instantly drew her sword. As they were running though, she tripped, her sword flying out of her hand as she tumbled down.

"Fuck, that hurt," Y/N rubbed her forehead, sitting up in an instant. "A bit of help here, guys?"

Skandar snorted, a small laugh spilling from his lips as Anna simply glared at him, a faint smile tugging at her features.

"Oh, heavens," Georgie mumbled from the other side, running up to the H/C haired girl as Skandar pulled her. "Are you alright, Y/N/N?"

"Yeah," the girl gave a thumbs up, "but we have to film that again."

"Not again!" William threw his arms up in frustration, taking Rhindon from the tree. They had just got the perfect shot in the tree.

Ben simply chuckled a bit, sheathing the prop as Andrew came over to make sure Y/N was fine.


"Oh, Aslan," Y/N mumbled, placing a hand on her forehead in exasperation. "Edmund, if you don't raise the sword, I might just behead you."

"Is that a threat?" Skandar completely forgot his line, lowering the prop and narrowing his cocoa eyes at the H/C girl.

Andrew only smiled at their antics. "If they pull this off well, we'll keep it in the movie," he whispered to one of the cameramen.

"I- that's probably a threat," Y/N said, placing her hands on her hips, the sword still in her hands. "And I seriously will consider beheading you if you don't fight properly."

"You know those aren't real swords, right?" Skandar actually referred to the swords in their hands, which were wooden training swords. In response, Y/N, who had gone completely into character, picked up one of the real props.

"You dare, King Edmund?" she mocked, and the dark haired boy only grinned widely, going into a defensive stance as Andrew gaped, a wide smile on his features.

"That was the best scene ever," he mumbled, before yelling out, "Cut!"

Y/N and Skandar whipped around, smiling sheepishly. "We broke character, Andrew. Sorry 'bout that."

Narnia Imagines, Oneshots and Preferences जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें