PP: In the Kirke Mansion

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Okay, before I get this fiesta started, I need to mention one thing, just one. I'm finding it rlly hard to add they/them, because I have absolUtely no idea of your genders, but I'm adding she/her for now.

Just a Disclaimer.

1940s AU


"Four children?!"

Yes, four fricking children are invading your house. And the Professor did not even tell you!

You hated invasion of privacy.

"Now, now, Y/N," the Professor said, "all's not lost."

Of course all is lost! I lost my fricking privacy, which you should know is important to me!!

"Uhm, if you did not listen, grandfather, I hate invasions of my privacy, so nope. Nuh uh. Nada," you shook my head.

"Will you ever listen?" Digory mumbled. "Look, they shall not disturb you. Avoid going to the drawing room, and their rooms in the second floor, and you'll be fine. Alright?"

"I hate this," you muttered. "Alright, fine."

You absolutely despised this.

You shut the door behind you, and began running. Yes, running.

Running to the one room where you could think, and be in peace.

The piano room.

You loved your fingers dancing across the black and white keys, and making music. Yes, rather cliché.

And yes, those four children will definitely hear this. But, for once. You. Don't. Care.

It's bold.

So, you cracked your knuckles, and stretched your fingers, then you began to play.

Oh, wonderful. Let's hope they do NOT hear this.

And sure enough, you heard footsteps, while playing.


Pevensies POV

"Peter? What's that?"

The youngest Pevensie sat up on the bed, closing her eyes and listening to the music.

"Don't know. . ." the eldest boy replied, getting off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Susan, the next eldest, asked.

"To find out what that music is," he said, opening the door. "Coming?"

"Sure," Lucy grinned, jumping off and following her brother.

"Hey!" Edmund, the next youngest, cried, jumping up and running after them, followed by a sighing Susan.




You cocked your head to the side, your jaw clenching in frustration.

"Just wonderful," you sighed, withdrawing your fingers.

"You were playing that?" a very young girl, with beautiful auburn hair and curious blue eyes, asked.

"Uhm, yes. I was," you answered, trying very hard not to snap. You rocked on the stool.

"It was beautiful," an elder girl smiled, squeezing herself through the gap of the door. Between two boys. "Edmund! Why must you run so fast?"

"Can you just- move, Peter!" the dark haired boy at the back cried, shoving his elder brother to the side.

You almost laughed at their bickering, but quickly checked yourself, going for a smile.

No, I despise this. Please. Leave.

But you couldn't deny that the elder boy looked absolutely stunning. Golden hair, and ocean-blue eyes, he was perfect.

Atleast if he didn't bring his siblings here.

"I'm Lucy Pevensie, this is Edmund, Susan and Peter," the youngest girl gushed, pointing to each one of them.

"Y/N Kirke, nice to meet you," you said.

No, it was NOT.

"We didn't exactly know there were others. . .in this mansion," Peter piped in sheepishly.

That's because I prefer to be ALONE.

"That's fine," you sent a fake smile. The youngest girl, Lucy, seemed really interested in your playing.

"Can you play something else?" she asked.

"No, sorry," you said, almost guiltily, before you conceded seeing her adorable face. "Fine. Violin, or piano?"

"You can play the violin?" Susan looked shocked.

"I've been a musical person," you shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. You got up, bringing out a case, while Edmund fiddled with the piano.

Please don't break it.

"Alrighty, uhm, I can play the same song on the violin?" you asked, bringing out the string instrument, positioning it.

"Yes please," Lucy grinned.

You noticed Peter looking at you encouragingly, and you felt a weird flutter in your stomach.

Stop it.

You took a deep breath, and began playing.

And that was your first meeting.


I hope this is good, lol. I've been really deflated on ideas, so I need inspiration.

Plus my writing in this is honestly not that good, is it?


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