𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐼𝑋

566 18 38

A/N : this chapter is not read over and edited. Mistakes may have been written so please ignore that :)

Once I woke up. I was immediately met with the yells of the other guys.. again..




I groaned, desperately trying to continue to sleep. But of course, I couldn't.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Grunk had left out a shirt for me. He knew that I stayed here so last minute that I didn't have clothes, so he offered to lend me a pair of pants and some shirts.

I put on the shirt, stretching myself before walking out, bracing myself for a bunch of dipshits.

"you fucki- STOP!" I looked down to see Isaac and Larry playing Mario kart. Tanner was in the kitchen with Nick, probably vlogging again. Grunk was on the couch on his phone.

I groaned, walking downstairs to the kitchen for an energy drink.

"And that's why you don't fuck big titty bitche-" I gave Tanner a look as he said that. Nick panned the camera to me as I opened the fridge, scratching my side like a dad.

"Look who's finally up." Nick said, I flipped him off and opened the can of red bull.

"We're going out to an arcade later, wanna come?"

I put up a finger, downing the can. After I slammed the can down onto the counter as if I had chugged a beer, I said alright and drank the rest of the red bull, if there was anything.

"Well, were gonna head out soon once Yumi wakes his fat ass up."

I nodded. Turning around again and walking back upstairs. Nick filmed me all the way to my room.

I closed the door and laid back down. I decided that after the arcade someone could drive me home. And if no one will I'll go with a bus.

I took my purse and got out the basic makeup stuff I'd packed there along with a small comb. I combed my hair and put on some light makeup and put on the pants that I wore two days ago(or the pants that I came here with). Yes, they're clean. I washed them.

After all that was done, I walked back downstairs and this time sat with Larry and Isaac.

"What time did Blake come back?" I asked. It sort of just came out by itself.

"Oh, uhh.. about 1 AM? I think.." Isaac replied, mostly focusing on the game.

I raised my eyebrows and slightly nodded. Almost as if by command, said person walked out of his room like a zombie rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning sunshine!" Tanner said, earning a big fat middle finger from Blake.

"You look... Great!.." Tanner continued.

"Yeah man, she kept me up all night dude.. Even after I came home, she like spam dm'ed me and shit." Blake replied.

"Rough.. Anyways were going to an arcade!!" Nick said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh! About that... She wants to come too.." Yumi scratched his neck, showing the messages to Nick.

"I mean, she can if she wants. As long as she isn't a jealous girl cause Vals coming too." Tanner said, making my head turn towards the three.

"What about me?"

"Nothing sugar." Tanner said in his country accent.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the game that Larry and Isaac were playing.

„The Night We Met" || A Yumi X OcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ