𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝐼𝑉

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We sat there for about an hour untill Nick woke up. Once he walked out of him room, he looked downstairs and noticed the three of us. I looked up at him and waved.

He had a confused look, but he waved back.

He came down the stairs and joined us on the couch.

"Any plans for today?" He asked, looking at me and Blake.

Blake didn't even look at him, probably too intrigued in a SpongeBob episode.

Nick looked at me with a confused look again. I just shrugged.

"I have some. I plan on streaming a little with Tanner before I head out home."

"You're leaving today?" Nicks eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I have work tomorrow and I have my own stuff to do at home." I sighed. I was sort of sad and sort of happy I'll be leaving. But I can always come back.

"Oh, I already forgot." He laughed, turning his head to the tv that now played some movie.

I laughed along, yawning.

I looked down to the calmly sleeping giant next to me. He didn't seem to be waking up soon, which was slightly bad. Not that I minded because really,
I didn't care. It's nice that he trusts me enough to fall asleep.

Which makes me plan hurt me more.

I sighed, also watching the movie when there was another door opening and closing. Everyone who was awake looked upstairs and behind the corner came Delilah with very messy sleep hair and yawn on her face. Her makeup was slightly smeared as she walked down and sat next to Blake.

"Good morning, baby." She said, smiling at him.

Blake just nodded, running his hands through his hair.

"Everything okay?" She continued, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I'm fine. I'll be right back."

He then stood up, three the remote onto the couch and went tl the kitchen. Delilah almost immediately followed him.

It was probably the first time I've seen Delilah acting like a normal person, to be honest. It shocked me a little.

I looked over to the kitchen and tried to read their lips.

Blake was at the fridge, scavaging for some food probably. Delilah was next to him, leaning her head onto his side.

Blake then took some burger he found and a coke, turning around and sitting at the kitchen island.

Delilah looked a little worried, looking at him with slightly tired eyes. Blake cracked the can of coke open with one hand.

It made me smile. I remember he taught me how to do that easily.

Once Delilah stopped talking, Blake began speaking, looking at Delilah with an expression I couldn't quite read. As he went on, I could see Delilah's expression harden.

Her glances turned to me a few times, but after Blake looked towards me, I turned away.

A few seconds later, Blake and Delilah came back. Delilah took off Blake sweater to reveal her black laced tank top. She gave the sweater to Blake, who catched it and waved her bye while walking upstairs.

She struggled a bit to put on her shoes, but once she finally did, she looked at me with the most jealous look I've seen and opened the front door, slamming it shut so hard that it echoed.

It of course, woke poor Isaac up, who was sleeping like a baby.

He looked up at me, then rubbed his eyes and looked at his arms, which were still wrapped around me. He quickly removed them and I smiled.

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