𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝐼

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Soon after they finished cleaning, Tanner and Larry finished their own food. Which, if you don't remember, is 'pigs in a blanket'.

"VAAAALLLL, GO GET YUMI AND LETS TASTE IT!!" Larry yelled from the kitchen as Tanner pulled out the half burnt half uncooked monstrosity you'd call 'pigs in a blanket'.

"Dude, you didn't throw that away??? That fell on the floor man.." Nick groaned, putting his face in his hands. Larry and Tanner just giggled as Tanner said 'voilaaa!', while placing the tray onto the counter.

While all that happened, I braced myself to see Blake and Delilah most likely cuddling.. or even worse... Making out..

I gagged to myself just thinking of that. I made my way upstairs and to Blake's door. I was about to just open the door, but I stopped.

Just for safety, I silently knocked on the door, waiting for any sign to enter.

"Come in." A familiar and low voice said. I slowly opened the door, not going in just yet.

The first thing I saw was Delilah fast asleep on Blake's bed. She was still wearing Blake's hoodie from earlier. I opened the door more and finally saw Blake sitting in his gaming chair. He looked up from his phone and I swear we locked eyes, even if it was for a second because I immediately looked away.

"Uh, Larry wants you to come down and taste their.... Food?.. if you can even call it that." I mumbled the last part, not expecting Blake to hear. But he most likely did, since he quietly chuckled.

"I'll be right down." He smiled at me. I glanced at him for a moment, then nodded and left.

I closed his door and just stood there. My stomach twisting and turning like ir did years ago yet again. I'd like to think it was from anger.

Why's he acting so casual? Did he just forget what he did? Maybe he thinks I forgave him because of how much I've been interacting with him.

Aha! That's probably why! He's getting comfortable with me because he thinks we're on good terms. He can wish, I'll never forgive him.

Some may say I'm over reacting, but am I really, though?

Imagine you're a 16 year old girl in high school, you have a boy best friend that you have known since you could barely talk, who you also are head over heels for. Then sudenly, on a lonely and cold Wednesday during your last school period, you get a message from an unknown number that states the following;

'hey girlie!! You don't know me, but I thought you'd like to know this.'

Followed by around 6 photos of said boy best friend with your ex girl best friend who you absolutely despised, hugging, holding hands and being with each other in general.

Reminder, the ex girl best friend did unthinkable stuff to you that your boy best friend wouldn't ever hear the end of.

Then, that also followed a long, long paragraph from the unknown number which goes soemthing along the lines of..

'i am sorry to be the one to show and tell you this. I can't imagine the hurt you must be going through right now. You might forever hate me. Oh wait, you don't even know who I am, not that it's important. Me personally, l wouldn't let this just pass by easily. Also, this has been going on for months behind your back, I haven't just found the right time to tell you. Apparently they are secretly dating and have been meeting up for a long time now. Have you noticed the bracelet on Blake's left hand? No, that isn't the friendship bracelet you gave him, it's the one [random name] gave him. It's supposed to be a promise bracelet between the two of them. Again, I'm so sorry girlie. I would've told you sooner, but I didn't have enough evidence. I even have messages between them talking about you, I can send them if you wish, but just for your own well being, I'm letting you choose for you want to see. They said some pretty cruel stuff about you. Again, I'm sorry that they're doing this to you xo'

And yes, that is the exact message I received. I may or may not have memorized it from reading it so much.

Anyways, you would've done the same as me. Don't even deny it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts from Tanner yelling my name.


I went downstairs before Blake could come out and find me standing behind his door like a weirdo. I tried shaking off the feeling in my stomach as I went down.

"Yeah, in a moment."

Tanner walked up to me and filmed me really close. I glanced at the food, then at the camera, giving it a dirty look.

"Is that the fucking one that fell on the floor?" I said, dead serious and staring at the camera.

Tanner started giggling. "Maaaybee.."

My eye twitched. "I'm not eating that."

Tanner scoffed. "Pussy." He rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"I'll eat it if you eat it." I quickly said, which made Tanner tuen around and stare at me, a filthy grin on his face.

I immediately regretted my decision on that as I saw his expression.

He started giggling at cut- more like ripped- a piece of it, and basically inhaled it.

He smacked his lips together and them he gagged.

"It tastes soo-" He stopped and looked at me.

"-oooo delicious!" He forced a smile.

I gave him a doubtful look. I sighed and looked over to chat. Oh, and Blake finally came down.

"Chat, help me. What do I do??"

Everyone mostly spammed 'eat it', but some were concerned and said to not eat it.

"What if I get like food poisoning.." I started to scratch my chin.

"Dude, if you get food poisioning, so do I.." Tanner looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I sighed and went towards the future reason of my death. I tore a small piece, but Tanner slapped it out of my hands.

"Bigger!" He added, taking a piece himself. It was so much more bigger than the piece he took, so I slapped it out of his hands in return.

"Not that big!" I objected. Then, I took a piece that was almost as big as his and threw it into my mouth. I then put my hands infront of my mouth just in case i wanted to throw up.

Which I did. It tasted so bad. If Tanner and Larry would be in MasterChef, they wouldn't even get through to the first round. No, they'd get DISQUALIFIED before the first round even ends!

"This tastes like straight ass!" I gagged once I opened my mouth, then covered it again.

"I know, right?" Isaac added.

"Oh shut up, you haven't even tasted it." I flipped Isaac off

He shrugged and laughed at my salty expression.

"You know what will heal your tastebuds?" Blake looked into the camera that Larry was now holding, having a very forced joyous look on his face.

"Some french toa-" Larry started, before Blake interrupted him.

"Some french toast." He smiled, putting a thumbs up.

I turned to the two of them once I heard them mention french toast.

"We can make them??" I asked, a wide smile on my face. Larry panned the camera to me.

From the corner of my eye, i could see Blakes smile widen. "Yep! You can start now." Larry said, coming out of the way.

I started bouncing up and down like a little kid. I've always liked cooking, especially to other people.

So it made me pretty excited to cook again for my favourite people. And Blake, I guess.

But what made me slightly nervous is that people, thousands of people will be watching.

But it's fine, Tanner and everyone have thousands watching their every move daily.

How bad can it really be?

A/N : ooo some more little lore for the reason that broke them up 😍 reminder that I thought of the paragraph and everything up on tje spot so yeah... Also yes it might be a slight exaggeration for why they broke but let's just say that val was in an emotional spot at the time 🙏🙏

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