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The walk to wherever they were going was very awkward.

And Jace hated it so bad.

"Who is aunt Rosa?" Hazel asked. Leo didn't seem like he wanted to talk about her. Jace didn't really want to talk about anything either. But when did he ever? Nemesis's words were still buzzing in his ears— or more like her face— or more like the face she used— Madeline's face.

He didn't want to be reminded about her any more than he already was.

"Long story," Leo said. "She abandoned me after my mom died, gave me to foster care."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well..." Leo was anxious to change the subject. "What about you? What Nemesis said about your brother?"

Hazel blinked like she'd gotten salt in her eyes. "Nico...he found me in the Underworld. He brought me back to the mortal world and convinced the Romans at Camp Jupiter to accept me. I owe him for my second chance at life. If Nemesis is right, and Nico's in danger...I have to help him."

"Sure," Leo said, Jace could tell he wasn't hyped about trusting her. He himself doubted the revenge goddess ever gave advice out of the goodness of her heart. Gods never did, they always want something in return— and the information Nemesis gave was big, it would be a big price to repay.

"And what Nemesis said about your brother having six days to live, and Rome getting destroyed...any idea what she meant?"

"None," Hazel admitted. "But I'm afraid..." Whatever she was thinking, she decided not to share it. She climbed one of the largest boulders to get a better view. Leo tried to follow and lost his balance.

Jace didn't follow. He just walked past the rock. Like a smart person would. And he was smart.

"When we were talking to Nemesis," Hazel said uneasily, "your hands...I saw flames."

"Yeah," Leo said. "It's a Hephaestus power. Usually I can keep it under control."

"He usually can't."

"Shut up Jace!" Leo threw a screw at him. Asshole, he was just telling the truth.

"Oh." She put one hand protectively on her denim shirt, like she was about to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

"Don't worry, he won't explode all of a sudden. And if he does, just know I won't help you, but you can throw whatever you have in your pocket as far away as you can just in case." Why was he giving her survival tips? What the hell?

"Uhhh...Thanks?" She didn't trust him. Thanks. He definitely wasn't offended by that (spoiler alert: he was).

He gazed across the island. The opposite shore was only a few hundred yards away. Between here and there were dunes and clumps of boulders, but nothing that looked like a reflecting pool.

Choose. That's what Nemesis warned him about. He should join Gaea, right? That's the most logical choice he could make. He would survive and Athena would get to rot in Tartarus. And he would be able to bring back Madeline and kill her all over again. Give her everything and take it away. That was what she deserved.

She did it to him.

And he would repay the favor.

"Leo?" Hazel asked gently. "You can't take what Nemesis said to heart."

Was she a mind reader?

No, no one can read minds. It's not possible.

"What if it's true?" Leo asked.

"She's the goddess of revenge," Hazel reminded him. "Maybe she's on our side, maybe not; but she exists to stir up resentment."

Jace wasn't sure if Nemesis was really on anyone's side. As far as he knew, she wasn't on anyone's side, ever. Revenge doesn't pick sides. It picks someone to take over... That didn't sound right. Revenge picks someone to envelop? Thing is, revenge isn't a one-sided thing, everyone on the battle wants revenge. Jace did. Annabeth did. Percy did. And Jace could bet Gaea and all monsters did too.

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