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Jace Anderson was against randomly punching people.

Unless that person is Leo Valdez. That guy, he could punch as much as he wanted to.

Leo let out swears as he landed on his butt while holding a hand to his cheek. Jace felt a small bit of pride swell in his chest as he saw just how well he'd punched the guy.

"I didn't hit you that hard." Jace said flatly as Leo looked up at him with a mix of hurt, irritation and annoyance. Jace truly didn't hit him as hard as he could and he was pretty sure Leo was just being a tad bit dramatic. Sure the kid's cheek was getting a bit red and he was pretty sure it would leave a small bruise—but hey! He may die in the following days so why not live life to the fullest?

"Did you just fucking punch me?" Leo asked as he patted his cheek as if to check if it still was there. "Puta madre, why the fuck did you do that?!" Jace didn't know what the Spanish Leo had said meant, but he could figure it was probably a curse word.

"Don't call me Jacious," He spoke flatly but still offered Leo a hand to get up—which the kid surprisingly accepted (Jace thought he would just slap it away and get up by himself, or something). "Ever." He finished as Leo was now standing in front of him.

"You could've just said that and like–not punch me." Leo grumbled as he pulled his hand away from Jace's and brought it over to his cheek to cup it. Jace fished a small square of ambrosia from his pocket and offered it to Leo.

"Whatever.." He mumbled as he pushed the food into Leo's face but still watched the boy's cheek to make sure he didn't hit it just in case it was actually hurting (which he doubted) and kept on walking towards where they thought Festus would have fallen.


"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Jace looked at the pile of smashed toilets and the body of Festus that was laying atop of them. Why did the dragon have to crash into the toilets? He couldn't have just landed on the ground next to the toilets—no, he had to land RIGHT ON TOP OF THEM.

Jace could tell Leo wished the dragon hadn't landed on the toilets either. Of all the places to crash (that were much cleaner), a line of Porta-Potties would not have been his first choice to lay on and he made it very clear with the groan he'd let out.

A dozen of the blue plastic boxes had been set up in the factory yard, and Festus had flattened them all flat. Unfortunately, Jace could see that someone—more like a lot of people, had used the toilets recently. He could smell the piss and the very strong smell of crap that came from the toilets before he could even see the pile of crap he had stepped on.


Jace grimaced and was sure he would puke when with every move he made he could feel the crap on the bottom of his shoe move and get even deeper into the crevices in his shoe. He was grateful that his shoes didn't let any of the mush soak into his shoe, that would've been even more disgusting.

Leo didn't even notice that Jace had stopped as the boy was trying to pick his way through and not to breathe through his nose. Heavy snow was coming down (Jace was trying to swat it away from his hair while also trying not to spread the shit on his shoe any more), but the dragon's hide was still steaming hot. Jace was pretty sure Festus was fixable considering his hide was still hot. It melted all of the snow that was trying to land on his back and—that must've been good, right?.

"Hey why'd you stop?" Leo had somewhat forgiven Jace for punching him—or at least Jace assumed so considering the kid wasn't actively glaring daggers at him. He finally seemed to notice that Jace wasn't walking behind him anymore and was just standing still.

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