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-Third POV-

After a lot of screaming, cheering, a lot of shouting and calling each other losers, they had taken a break from playing and it was just turning 8:00 pm. Yoongi had excused himself to get something from a specific room

"okay jungkook, wait here i'll be back"

"okay hyung but don't take too long!" Jungkook semi shouted as he sat down on the couch and got on his phone to let his parents know that he was on his way

Yoongi started making his way down the halls. He took a right then a left then another right. Yes his house is a bit huge and he had a lot of hallways.

As he got to the locked room, he got out his keychains from his pockets and started unlocking the room with a black key, something Yoongi always kept locked at all costs, he remembered how he panicked for a bit if Jungkook ever found this room but he had the keys so it was all okay

Inside the room was a shrine dedicated to Jungkook and every little moment that he had spent with him since meeting him. Photos of the younger male that were either taken from afar without him noticing or when he was with him. Candid shots that were almost taken whenever they hung out, polaroid pictures in small frames or sticked to the wall with washy tape

Tickets stubs from movies they had watched at the theaters and concert ones of their favorite rock bands and favorite solo artists, even if it was in a group setting, Yoongi had drew little hearts around his little bunny boy and whenever they were next to each other on a group photo, he made sure to make a big heart around himself and the other only

a section of another wall with a calendar marking significant and important dates, like the anniversary of the day they first met, Jungkook's birthday, highlighted with little heart stickers. A collection of items that Jungkook casually mentioned liking—like his favorite candy which were lollipops and his favorite flavor was strawberries. Yoongi would keep the candy wrappers as he would always say he'll 'throw it out' but he ends up keeping them

Yoongi had a small heart hair clip and a journal that was on his desk. In that journal, it was just pages filled with doodles, thoughts and some inside jokes from the times they've spent together. The hair clip was when Jungkook had wanted to wear it but he didn't have the courage and would get picked on for just wearing a cute hair accessory

Yoongi had complimented him so many times and told him how he didn't have to worry about anything, Jungkook was pretty with whatever he had done to his hair or wore something. Although Jungkook appreciated, he said it was best to not wear it all the time but he would keep it safe and put away. Yoongi couldn't contain himself and ended up keeping the hair clip

On the desk, there's a stack of love letters, the handwriting a bit messy with all the emotions poured into them.  Those love letters were all written by the older male himself but never gave it to Jungkook as he would go overboard with his writing since some had contained raw emotions of Yoongi's and he would just stuff it into an envelope. The letters talked about everyday things, but also about how much Yoongi cares and wishes they could be more than just friends.

There's a small box on the shelf that's like a treasure chest of memories. Inside, there's a locket with a picture of Jungkook, he was smiling his bunny smile and wearing a light baby pink sweater that Yoongi kept close to his heart. Two dried-up flowers from a day that they both went to a garden together, it was a purple lavender along with a red rose. It's all really personal and sweet, like a secret hug to the heart.

Yoongi had came into this room to check up on a flower that he has been planting for so long and is one of the rarest flowers to ever be found around the world. But he managed to find one and was surprised with the meaning behind it.

The flower was called Starlight Lily, this flower's meaning was the yearning for a distant love, symbolizing the longing for someone who feels out of reach.

The Starlight Lily is said to bloom only under the light of a rare celestial event, where stars align in a pattern that hasn't been seen for centuries. Legend has it that these flowers grew in a hidden garden, tended by a figure of myth known as the Keeper of the Night. This enigmatic guardian was a lover of the stars and moon, who poured their own unrequited love into the soil, giving life to the Starlight Lilies.

The flowers are believed to hold the essence of the Keeper's eternal love, and it's said that those who find a Starlight Lily are destined to experience a love as deep and unending as the night sky. Its shimmering petals reflect the hope and desire to be reunited with a cherished person, even across great distances. Yoongi had discovered this beautiful flower, seeing it as a symbol of his undying love and a beacon of hope for winning over the affection of Jungkook who he's so captivated by.

As Yoongi was pouring water onto the flower, he overhead the younger male's footsteps and heard him call his name

"Yoongi hyung! are you almost done?"

"shit..!" Yoongi muttered and his heart stopped beating for a second as he quickly set down the watering can and sprinted out towards the door, immediately slamming the door shut as he frantically got his keys out to lock the room. Once he heard the click indicating that it was for sure locked, he let out a big sigh as he let his heart calm down a bit

Yoongi started heading back but as he turned the left corner, he had crashed into Jungkook, making the other almost fall backwards onto the wooden floor and letting out a yelp but Yoongi was quick enough to grab him by the waist firmly and pull him up towards him

Jungkook's eyes widen and he blushed a dark pink hue on his cheeks as his heart was thumping, his doe eyes staring back at Yoongi's dark brown eyes

"S-sorry hyung! i didn't mean to—"

"don't worry, it's fine koo, I kinda just didn't pay attention" Yoongi gave him a small smile as he let go of him and adjusted their postures

"what were you doing anyway?" bunny boy asked out of curiosity since he heard a door slam shut as he was heading towards the sound to where he assumed Yoongi was. The other bit his lip and just lied his way out

"i had to check if everything was locked and i had to make sure this door was shut well since it's kind of broken"

'Please don't ask anymore please please—'

"oh okay! but hurry i have to get back home!" Jungkook flicked Yoongi's forehead in which he winced and glared at him but he complied and they both started heading out towards the door. Yoongi double checked if he had his keys and turned off every light in the house

Knowing that he probably almost got caught and especially with everything that was in that simple room, he didn't want Jungkook finding out nor anyone at all...

He hoped that nothing will happen and hoped that he wouldn't cross the line, not that he already is but Yoongi didn't have a clue, he couldn't control it, you love someone so much, you just can't stop and prevent it right?


chapter has been posted ! i hope y'all liked this <3 leave a comment if y'all can!

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