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Since Yoongi was quiet for literally half of the class til the bell had rang , he just gave the new kid glances and glares , he was so annoyed and he had absolutely no reason to be on that level but he just doesn't know why , the kid hasn't done anything so why was he like this ?

'i might either jump out the window and end it or just put myself together.'

Yoongi said in his head as he was following right behind jungkook and keeping an eye on Jiwoo as they were having a conversation , they seemed to have been getting along pretty well since Jungkook did most of the talking in class

Yoongi just didn't like interacting with other people unless with his very close friends

He didn't pay attention as both of them had bid their goodbyes and jungkook turning towards Yoongi

"hyung ! you should try to at least getting to know him and be-friend him ! don't be so rude!"

Jungkook said as he pouted and looked up at Yoongi with his brows furrowed

( Yes Yoongi is taller than Jungkook deal with it , my story . )

"Aish , yeah yeah but you know i'm not going to immediately start a conversation with him , plus i have bad impressions on new people , you know that.."

Yoongi said as he stared down at him with a blank face , just staring at Jungkook til he let out a sigh

"right... but i'll need you to improve on that hyung ! you must at least say hi and your name , not just be quiet most of the time"

Yoongi clicked his tongue and ruffled his hair

"i promise i'll do better , for you at least" a small smile appeared on his face as he noticed the short male get flustered by the gesture , that's what he likes to see , getting that type of reaction that should only be caused by him , well his family too.

"now kid come on , last class of the day and we're outta here." the older male said as he grabbed onto Jungkook's hand and started walking towards geometry class

Jungkook had always had a thing for the older male , he liked everything about him , made his heart all giddy and be overfilled with joy , it felt right

'ah! he's holding my hand!! wait calm down.. this is normal we do this daily but... it never gets old'

Jungkook smiled to himself and followed Yoongi's steps , he admired him and oh how he wishes to kiss him all over his face but he kind of had some type of weird feeling for the new kid and he didn't like it , but it hopes it isn't what he thinks it is , his feelings for Yoongi have always stayed strong , he doesn't want that to change.



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