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Demanding someone's total love and attention.

In which Yoongi gets overprotective and possessive over Jungkook.

But who knew his actions would cause a lot of harm to others.


-Third POV-

This was in the past and I'm only posting this chapter to give a little heads up.

It all started when Yoongi had moved to a different state due to his parents earning their dream jobs that they've always dreamed and wanted to work at for so long.

They were packing stuff in the truck, that way the truck can drive to the airport and transport them in the airplane that they would be taking.

Of course Yoongi hate it having to move to different states, he was leaving his hometown and his friends but he had no choice.

The Min Family got in the car and started driving to the airport, getting their airplane tickets.

-13 hours later-

The Min family finally landed safely and were now happy that they've arrived.

A new hometown and a whole new place to explore. In which Yoongi hated that and he had to transfer to a new school.


The family then started to unpack their stuff and were now placing boxes in their new home. They had removalists to help them as well with furniture.

Yoongi groaned due to him having to carry a big box, but the box was heavy. He smacked his lips and ruffled his hair in frustration.

He was about to pick it up but someone else did it before him and he thought it was one of the removalists but it wasn't.

"Hello there ! Thought you might have need it a little help. I'm your neighbor from across the street, call me Mr. Jeon."

The older male said as he carried the box inside, introducing himself once he saw Yoongi's parents, and they were nice to him, letting their neighbor from across the street help them.

"Huh he seems cool."

Yoongi commented as he went to pick up another box, but he noticed someone else.

He had nice dark brown hair, his eyes were like a milky chocolate, his features were so beautiful that Yoongi was left in awe, he also had a nice body, not too big and not too small, it was just perfect especially his slim waist.

Yoongi kept staring at him, he hadn't realized that the boy approached him and started waving at him.

"Hi ! My name is Jungkook, what's yours ?" The young male asked and god Yoongi was about to die right there.

'His voice, it's so soft . . ' Yoongi said in his mind as he started to clear his throat and fixed himself properly.

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi. I'm 16 turning 17 soon and you ?" He asked as he put the box down, wanting to fully pay more attention to Jungkook right now.

"Oh I just turned 16 last month !" Jungkook said as he smiled, like a bunny.

'Huh a bunny smile, that's cute.'

Possessive |Yoonkook|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें