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"So if I drink this, will I get powers ?"

"No you dumbass, you'll just die"

"But the possibilities—"

"Yoongi hyung I swear to god, just tell me what are the instructions already."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Yoongi's stupidity, did he seriously think that drinking the chemicals was gonna give him super powers ?

They were currently doing an assignment, which was making exploding foam, and they were wearing a lab coat, goggles for their safety, and gloves.

Yoongi chuckled and chose to pay attention.

"Now add 1/2 cup of liquid hydrogen peroxide" Yoongi read the instructions, Jungkook putting it in the Florence flask carefully as he stuck his tongue out, a habit of his when he's concentrated.

"Next is 10 drops of food colori-"

"Can I put it in ?!"

Jungkook interrupted him as Yoongi raised his brows

"isn't it supposed to be my turn ?"

"Pretty please hyung ?" Jungkook batted his eyelashes as he pouted with his big doe eyes, full of innocence.

Yoongi's cheeks were turning a tint of pink as he looked at the other way, he grumbled, who was he to say no to such a gorgeous and pretty human being ?

"Fine, but that's only because you're cute.." Yoongi said as he passed him the food coloring, Jungkook smiling as he grabbed it from his hands and putting 10 drops of food coloring in the Florence flask.

Just as Yoongi was going to read the next instructions, the teacher started speaking.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to a new student, please introduce yourself."

"Hi my name is Kang Jiwoo, 17 years old and just moved in this town, nice meeting you all !" The new student, Jiwoo, had introduced himself as the other students had said hello back and clapped for his introduction.

From Jungkook's perspective, he looked very nice, confident, slightly cocky, but looks alright.

Well for Yoongi, he already gave him a slight questionable and not such good look on the new kid, to him, he found him looking annoying, too much for his liking, and already having a bad aura from him, but probably because he just wasn't so used to new kids since barely any kids come to their school. But he kept a close eye on him.

"Alright Jiwoo, I want you to have a seat next to Jungkook's table, please raise your hand" the teacher instructed as Jungkook raised his hand and Jiwoo was making his way to his spot, taking his seat next to him.

Oh boy was Yoongi already put in a bad mood, he furrowed his eyebrows and had a mean cold look on his face, he hated new people and hated the fact that he had to sit next to jungkook.

"hi jiwoo hyung ! nice meeting you! and this is my best friend Yoongi!"

Jungkook said as he gave him a small smile

"hello there , nice meeting you jungkook! and hello yoongi !" Jiwoo said with a bright smile on his face and giving a small wave to Yoongi.


"im very sorry , yoongi really doesn't like meeting new people , i apologize" Jungkook looked at Jiwoo apologetically before giving a kick to yoongi's shin, which he hissed and held in the shout.

"no worries, i understand" Jiwoo then sat next to him and Yoongi smacked his lips and turned the other way as he is massaging his shin

'i hate this, the teacher could've literally sat him to the loud and annoying group of people at the back, why here'

Just as he was about to his mouth to speak, the teacher clapped their hands together to start the lesson again

"we shall now start our experiments again, Yoongi, Jungkook, teach Jiwoo and give him the proper instructions"

Jungkook nodded as he started explaining to Jiwoo about the lesson

on the other hand... Yoongi didn't bother but just give Jiwoo the silent treatment and he only spoke if Jungkook talked to him but that was it

'Yoongi needs to improve on that, he needs to be more sociable !! i will bonk his head after this!' Jungkook said as he glanced at Yoongi, who was now looking at the science book in his hands

This was only just the beginning of Yoongi's behavior and it'll soon progress more along the way, which at some point, won't end pretty but we'll see.


WOOOO!! another book updated after so long whew! n e ways, this chapter properly didn't make sense or might have been a shitty one BUT hey i updated something at least, i still have other books to update and what a miracle that i'm writing another chapter right now but i will have to see when i will update again and which book i should update again, n e ways BYE!

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