Chapter 39: Secrets and Sadness

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Angel POV

(1.5 Years Married)

T/W - Discussion of suicidal thoughts

This was the latest Mattia had ever been to pick me up for any of our sessions with Baxter. Despite how busy he'd been, he was always here at least fifteen minutes before we were due to leave. It was now ten minutes past when we usually left and there was no sign of him. I checked my phone again and there was still no message. I knew I could message him to ask where he was, but something inside me wouldn't allow it. I didn't instigate messages with Mattia. I only ever answered his.

Finally hearing the front door open I looked towards the foyer, expecting to see Mattia, but it was a man I felt like I'd met before, but couldn't recall where. I was trying to place him when I heard footsteps pounding down the central staircase. I knew that meant Dante had seen the man on his monitors and was rushing to my side. Was this man dangerous? He had obviously been allowed into the house or wouldn't have made it through security at the gate. Nobody else was home right now, Nico was in Chicago and Antony left with Mia earlier this morning. Their father had left this morning for a week in Italy and I wasn't sorry to have him out of the house. He was becoming more erratic as the days passed.

Dante positioned himself next to me and on seeing him the man stutter stepped on his approach into the lounge room. Stopping at least ten feet from us both. Dante seemed to be extremely agitated that the man was here, but not in a scared way, making me think we were not in danger. This stranger was staring at Dante, just as Dante stared in return.

When neither man spoke I decided that perhaps I would break the tension.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

The man dragged his eyes from Dante and turned to face me. He was incredibly handsome even with the large scar that ran down the left side of his face from his temple to under his jaw line onto his neck. It was jagged and looked like something that should have ended his life.

He was looking me over, not in a lascivious way, more like he was taking stock of me. I didn't move and Dante still hadn't spoken. He stood stiff as a board at my side.

"Greetings Mrs Dicembre, I am David and I apologise I am late, there was an accident on Webster and I was diverted, taking longer than expected. Mattia has been held up with the Three and requested that I take you to your session. He will meet you there as soon as he is able."

At that I felt Dante's body turn to stone.

"You took the role with Mattia?"

His voice when he spoke sounded as though he was in pain. I immediately slipped my arm around his waist and David watched my hand closely. Dante and I may not be as close as I was with Antony and Mia, but I felt a solidarity with the quietest Dicembre brother. Especially as his pain was so visible. Pain I knew well. This man had hurt him somehow so I offered him the only comfort I could.

David turned his eyes to Dante and for a moment his were as pained as Dante's voice sounded, before he shuttered them and answered Dante's question.

"I did. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be in his first line. I had no reason to."

When he turned back to me, his face was blank once again.Dante's body flinched at his words. I pulled him even tighter to my smaller body, whatever was going on here was hurting him and I didn't like it. Not one bit.

"I don't know you so I'm not going anywhere with you. If plans had changed Rico would have informed me. He is my primary guard when Mattia is unavailable."

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