Chapter 14: Performance and Pleasure

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Angelique POV

I could hear Mattia moving around behind me as I looked out over the view from our room. The lights were spectacular. The moment our door closed I had felt my nerves resurface and my stomach was churning. This man had been with so many women over the years and here I was, his virgin bride, asking him to stick to only touching tonight. Like we were teenagers groping in his Papa's car. I bet he hadn't needed to resort to groping as a teenager, women would have willingly spread their legs.

What was I doing? It was a sure fire way to turn him away to other women. But how could I let him into my body when I did not feel safe with him. I felt sick to my stomach.

"What has you thinking so hard over there? You look like you have the weight of the world on your pretty shoulders. I have already agreed to your request and will not push for more tonight. I have just sent a message to my family doctor to arrange the required testing. What else bothers you?"

He had walked towards the side table to the right of this magnificent room and was placing his wallet and phone on the surface before slowly removing his cufflinks and undoing his tie. It was a suite with everything  a man like Mattia enjoyed. Exquisite furniture, a spectacular view and the kind of luxury most people could only dream of.

"Do you want me to be honest?"

At that he frowned and stopped his undressing to fully look at me.

"Of course. I always want you to be honest with me."

"I'm worried that by refusing you tonight I'm making it more likely for you to go elsewhere for your satisfaction. I was already worried I wasn't enough to hold your attention, now I'm terrified."

The look he gave me was not what I expected. I had thought he might get angry again at the mention of his mistress, or perhaps even show pity. But the look on his face was as if I was adorable.

"Angelique you are worrying for nothing. I know we have not discussed our expectations of this marriage, but you are who I would choose out of a room full of women. The fact you think any man would find you lacking is comical. My cock has been hard since the moment I saw you in that second gown. You are the one I am willing to fuck my hand like a teenager for. No other woman can say that. Doesn't that tell you something?"

His words calmed some of my nerves so I made my way towards him.

"I want to please you Mattia. I have told you this in the past and that still stands true. I know today didn't go as planned. Some of it was my fault, and some was yours, but I still want us to have a happy life together. Once we get the all clear from your doctor I cannot wait for you to teach me everything you enjoy and show me what I might like too, but..."

I didn't get to finish my sentence because he pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard, his tongue overpowering my own in a moment. After what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes, he released me. His lips looked swollen and I imagined mine looked the same.

"Am I annoyed we will not fuck tonight? Yes. Do I respect you for asking for what you need to make you comfortable with me? Yes. We have a long life together, there will be plenty of time for sex. And the kind of sex I enjoy involves a lot of trust so I am happy that we are starting off with honesty between us. I will admit I had preconceived ideas of what being married to a virgin would be like. You have blown them apart during our time together. Having said that, I will ease you into my desires so that you are comfortable. I like the idea of teaching you. But there will be times when I have to ask for your blind trust and you will definitely feel uncomfortable. I want you to know that I will learn your body, I will learn your limits and triggers and teach you how to push the edge of them so that you can gain the most pleasure from our time together."

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