She tried to go to him, but the messengers held her back. She pleaded for them to let him go. A man walked into the clearing with anger and determination on his face. His stride was regal and pissed. She pleaded with him, but he wasn't listening. He walked over to the guards holding the warlock and killed him by zapping him with a powerful bolt to the chest. He was a god from the looks of that bolt.

She fell to the ground in disbelief then tears and wails of despair came. Then she went silent. She stayed in the clearing for a while lying on his body. She finally got up and buried him. Time shifted to months later. She was pregnant. After having the baby, she sent it down to land. The memory went on to the god, who I can only assume was her father, marrying her off to some other deity or God, only for her to kill everyone her father made her marry.

Suddenly all the images were gone. I looked down at the goddess. I guess that's how our lineage started. A goddess fell in love with a warlock and to save their baby, she sent it away.

"When gran invoked the spirit," I started.

"It did nothing. Just let me know where my bloodline was. The bloodline was lost to me for a while. I couldn't have my movements tracked."

I walked up to the goddess. Actually, I didn't, Chaos did. I felt my eyes turn red. He felt a spark after her story. He rubbed his hand down her face. He kissed her forehead. "Thank you for your sacrifice and for loving .... us." We all know what he meant by that. He means a monster and I'm surprised he stated it that nicely.

She smiled and rubbed the top of my eyes. "Red was always my favorite color." Chaos chuckled.

"Go Chaos and take care of my grandson."

Chaos nodded.

When we merged back, I grabbed Makay's hand.

"Oh, and Mickey, I expect your successor ceremony sooner rather than later," commanded the goddess.

I nodded and walked over to my grans.

After Makay hugged them, Declan walked up to them and hugged them as well. I walked up to gran and kissed her forehead. Her eyes became misty. I wiped her tears. I smiled. "Time is fleeting, grans. I will be here before you know it." They both chuckled.

I walked off. Then we dropped. We were hurling back down to land. When we made it, Makay cursed and slapped me across the face. My eyes blazed red. I caught her fist with my hands when she tried to hit me again.

She snatched her hand from mine. "How could you be so stupid. Do you know what this means? How much danger you will be in. That is a coveted throne. They will be after you once you've been officially deemed her successor."

My eyes cleared. Even Chaos can't be angry at her rage. He understands rage.

"You know why I did it."

She deflated and started crying. "This is all my fault. If I haven't brok..."

"Don't," I snapped. If she hadn't broken the rules, my father would be dead. I'm the one who told her to save him so she can blame me.

She wiped her tears and smiled. "You will always be there to save me won't you. You remember the thing with the wood nymphs. You took the blame and mom took away your powers and threw you in jail."

I chuckled remembering that. It hurt my mom way more than it did me. She fussed over me the whole time I was down in the cells.

I became serious. "She needs us. She sacrificed a lot for us to be here, even Chaos can understand that. She's family. And I need an ... outlet so I won't be attacking my mates. Goddess help anyone that comes down and challenges me."

The Outlands (Sequel to Elven King Mistress)Where stories live. Discover now