Chapter 22

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Shane ^^^^^^^

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Shane ^^^^^^^

Shane Pov

"Who's all in there," I asked worriedly. What if they think I'm like Mila. Will Ashford and Mickey defend me. I've never seen the king and queen up close. I started to sweat.

"From what I gather, everyone."

I blew out a breath. If they throw one judgmental comment my way I'm leaving. I didn't ask for this. I've spent 33 planet cycles staying out of their way. My mother died when I was 19 planet cycles old. I never knew my father. I heard he went off. We weren't prisoners here, but here it was safe, so most of us stayed. The kingdom is so big that you could go a whole lifetime and not meet everyone. It takes hours just to get to the north part of the kingdom.

"You're nervous. Hey, remember what I told you. They are just people."

That was proven wrong when I stepped into the dining hall and felt massive amounts of power hit me from everywhere. Funny, I couldn't feel that before. Must be the vampire in me.

The royal triplets ran up to me. "Is it true that you're my brother's second mate?"

I smiled. I love children. I squat down to their level. "Yeah, is that ok?"

August, the only boy twin, said, "yeap, I want a male mate too, have you guys done it yet. What's it like."

I choked. The others laughed. The queen gasped. "That's enough, August."

"It's ok." I looked back at him.

"Your male mate would be lucky to have you."

I was surprised that I actually meant it. I see now that these beings really don't care about color, sex or race. Not like the people of earth did. I would be considered a white male there. They were superior. People with the queen's color were once slaves on earth and she runs an entire kingdom. Male on male sex was shunned and some were even killed for it on earth. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't want that for my children. I want them to be whatever they want to be. I shook the thought away.

June spoke next. She was like her dad in many ways. She stood back and folded her arms over her chest. "Is it true that you call your weapons all fancy like?"

I raised a brow. June looked at Mickey. He was smiling. He said, "learn to paraphrase, you twerp."

"Is that what Mickey said? That I call my weapons all fancy like."

She nodded. "Can you do it now?"

I laughed. "If the young princess commands it."

I raised my hand and summoned my weapons. Seconds later they were there. I grabbed the handles and pressed the buttons. The red energy ropes drop. They sizzled and popped.

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