Chapter 1

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"Why doesn't Lucas like me?" Riley asks as we sat down for lunch, "I'm likeable right?" She asks turning in her chair to back me.

"Very." I tell her taking a bite of my pizza. "And besides Lucas likes you. You're one of his best friends."

"Yeah but I want to be more than friends with him." She pouts.

"Yeah well he obviously that's not happening anytime soon." I tell her a bit harsher than I intended to.

"But I really, really like him." She whines.

"Riles..." I sigh.

"Hey guys." Farkle says sitting across from Riley.

Saved by the Farkle.

"Why don't you date Farkle?" I ask her using his arrival to change the subject a bit.

"Maya you're kidding right?"

"Hey what's wrong with me?" Farkle asks her looking genuinely hurt..

"Nothing at all." I say to him slowly, shaking my head at him.

"Hey." Lucas says sitting down and smiling. He looks at me and his smile vanishes "Maya."

"Lucas." I shoot back.

"How come Maya gets a special greeting?" Riley asks twirling the pasta on her fork while pouting.

"Because I'm upset with her." He tells her and I glare at him.

"Why are you upset with her?" Farkle asked interested in why we were fighting.

"Ranger Rick over here is just upset because I gave his milk away." I tell Riley still glaring at him."I'm not hungry anymore, see you guys in class." I dismiss myself, walking away from the table towards the school's library.

I sat at an empty table in the back and pulled out my notebook to try studying since there was about forty minutes left of lunch.

Obviously that plan failed and I started doodling on my page. Not  paying attention to what I was drawing I just let the pencil move along the paper.

When I was done I looked it over and saw that it was the devil. I let out a laugh at the ridiculous drawing, holding it up over my head. "A good look for you don't you think?" I ask still laughing at it.

"How'd you know I was here?" Lucas asks walking towards the table from behind me.

"I just knew." I shrugged as he sat down next to me.

"Well now I know what I'm gonna be for Halloween this year." He jokes taking the picture from me to examine it better and I smile.

I remembered why I was in the library and frowned sighing. "Why do we always do this?" I ask him. "We have the same argument at least twice a week."

"We won't have it if you just told her." He shrugs.

"Lucas." I say slowly warning him not to start this again.

"Yeah, I get it. You don't want to hurt Riley's feelings." He says "But who says that her feelings would get hurt?" he continues "And even if her feelings do get hurt, she has to find out eventually." He fights his case some more. "Maya I just want to be able to hold your hand or kiss you whenever I want." He sighs taking my hand from the table and intertwined  our fingers together. He brought our joined hands up to his mouth and placed a warm kiss to it.

"I know." I vreath out as he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. "Soon." I give in.



"I'm hungry." I complain as Lucas, Riley and I walked home.

"Not my fault you didn't eat your lunch." Lucas says and I glare at him because it was his fault and he knew it.

Riley and I walked ahead of Lucas who slowed down to answer a call. She was complaining about being single again and I was starting to get annoyed.

Remembering my suggestion from the cafeteria earlier I asked. "Seriously though." I interrupt her mid sentence about wanting someone. "What about Farkle?"

"Maya, I though you were joking when you suggested that earlier." she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I was. But Farkle's a great guy and puberty has done him a big favor." I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Farkle isn't even an option Maya. He's my best guy friend." She tries shrugging off the idea but I wasn't having it. They would be adorable together.

"Yeah but he loves you." I push."Don't you love him? "

"Uh...yeah?" She says a bit unsure. "But not that way."

"You should ask him out, see where it goes at least."


"Don't knock it till you try it. " Lucas pipes in finally finished with his phone conversation.

"Why don't you go out with him?" She shoots back after a few seconds of silent walking.

"Because," I glance at Lucas for a second before looking back at her "I don't want a boyfriend but you obviously do." I tell her rolling my eyes. "It's all you talk about these days."

"What, no?" She denies.

"Oh please. Its all you talk about."  I say chuckling. "And don't act like you didn't like Farkle once." I tease and she blushes.

"Shut up Maya." she groans.  "That was a long time ago."

"Yeah, okay. " I roll as we reach outside her building.

"You coming up?" She asks.

"Nah I gotta go to work." I shrug her and she nods.

"Okay well see you tomorrow. " she says going into the building and waving back at me.

"So Riley and Farkle?" Lucas asks as we continued walking.

"What? I think they'd be cute." I shrug.

"I can't picture it." He says, "But who knows?"

"I know, they're gonna fall in love and have lots and lots of little babies." I clap my hands together with fake enthusiasm and Lucas laughs. "She just needs to get over you, that's all and Farkle would make her happy."

"Okay, firstly, she is over me and secondly he would, but you can't force them together. And thirdly isn't he and Smakle still a thing?"

"I'm not sure and I know but I just want the best for Riley, and what's better than Farkle?" I state and he motions to himself. "Okay maybe, but you see the thing is I'm trying to get her away from you." I say slowly, "And anyway you're with me and I don't share too well." I smile to myself and he chuckles.




Edited 29/03/16
ReEdited 2/06/16

Forbidden Love || Lucas Friar+Maya HartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon