Chapter 4

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"Ms. Matthews, how nice of you to join us." Mr. Stilinski our math teacher greeted Riley as she rushed thorough the door during third period.

"Sorry sir." she mumbles taking her unassigned, assigned seat on my right.

"Dude where were you?" I ask her. It's not like Riley to show up late. Especially two periods late.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." She pulls her books out of her bag.

"That's not what I asked." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"What page?" she flips through her text book.

"Riley." I say with warning in my voice.

"Fine, I was with Charlie. What page." she asks again and this time I answered her question, confused by why she'd be late if she was with Charlie. He was a good guy as far as I could tell and he wasn't usually late.

I didn't talk to her in the twenty minutes left of class, focusing on taking notes while she hurriedly wrote down what she'd missed.

While packing up our bags I turned to question her once again. "What did Charlie do to make you late?" 

"Nothing we just got a bit distracted."

"Doing what?"

"What is this? Twenty questions? What do you want me to say? We were making out behind the library." she raises her voice at me.

"What? Riley, you only went on one date with him now you're making out behind the library during classes?" I was genuinely concerned right now.

"That's one more date than you've been on, 'Miss. I'm to mean to ever get a guy to look at me twice' " she shoots back making my jaw drop in surprise.

I just shook my  head and got up leaving her to glare at my retreating figure.


"-look at me twice." School had finished about ten minutes ago and Lucas and I were walking to my place, Riley absent from our walk home. I was telling him what she said to me earlier because I didn't get a chance to earlier today.

"She said that?" He looks shocked.

"Yes! Right after yelling out how she was making out with Charlie behind the library, like it was something to be so proud of." I huff out. "And then when I try to figure out why she's ditching class to be with him after one date, she insults me. Who does she think she is, 'Miss. I went out on one date so now I'm better than you'." I mimicked her teasing from earlier. "You know what?" I ask pulling my phone from my pocket. "I'm gonna call her and tell her that right now." I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear.

"Oh, no you don't." Lucas pulls the phone away from my ear and hangs it up. "You need to calm down before doing something you regret." He warns putting my phone in his pocket so that I can't take it from him.

"Lucas Hopalong Friar, you better give me my phone right now or so help me, I'd make you wish you were never born." I threaten him as we reach in front of my building. 

"What are you gonna do?" he teases, "Glare me to death."

"Boy, I will fight you." I lift my chin in the air staring him sown. "Square up!" I put my hands into fists and start to jump around like a boxer 100% serious with my threat. 

Lucas stares at me with an amused expression on his face for a few seconds. "Yeah, okay." he takes his hands out of his jacket pocket and in one swift motion had me over his shoulder, I let out a scream in surprise as he starts moving up the stairs.

"Put me down!" I yell trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

"You better be quiet young lady, I don't like screaming." He groans, "Not out of the bedroom at least." he adds and my jaw drops in surprise.

"Lucas-" I was about to scold him for what he said when a hand connecting with my butt stopped me. "Did you just spank me?" his actions caused my jaw to once more drop in surprise.

"I told you to be quiet." he shrugs easily.

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