Chapter 12

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"What should we do?" I frantically ask Zay finally looking away from the girl. I couldn't see her face but from what I could see I'm sure that she was gorgeous. She had a full head of curls styled in an Afro and her pale pink dress hugged her curves nicely.

"We should go over." He says trying to get up but I pulled his hand before he could move over.

"What? No we shouldn't." 

"Yes we should!" he protests pulling me up with him after shoving our meals back into the bags and making me take our drinks and led us to their booth. Lucas didn't see us until Zay pushed me in and slid in after me and to say that he was shocked may be an understatement. His face visibly paled and he dropped the drink in his hand. "Hey, man!" Zay greets him with a cheery smile. "Fancy running into you here." He unpacks his food while he talked. "Who's your friend?" he gestures to the girl who was wearing a look of confusion.

After Lucas failed to introduce her, she flashed a bright smile and stuck her hand out to Zay. "I'm Ashton Adams. Nice to meet you." Oh my gosh even her voice is pretty and where the hell is that accent from?

Zay stared at the hand for a moment before taking it and shaking it. "Zay." he says. "And this is Maya." he introduces me and Ashton-who is in fact a girl- flashes me a cute smile. Is this girl even real?

"Are you guys friends with Luc?" she asks and Zay nods hesitantly. "Awesome! I was stating to think that he had no friends." she lets out a fake sigh of relief smiling to him.

"Really?" I finally speak up and she nods. "So he never spoke about us?"

"He mostly avoided talking about his friends. Although I don't know why."

"Oh, I probably know why." Zay whispers to me. "So Luc, how come you don't talk about us?"

"I-Um, I-" he stutters and I raise my eyebrow at him. 

"You what?" I ask, patience wearing thin.

"Um, Ash, this is my best friend Zay and my," he pauses and looked to me again and I flashed him a bright fake smile. "girlfriend Maya." he finishes and her eyes widen in surprise.

"G-Girlfriend?" she asked. "Well that's interesting." She picks up her drink and sips it.

"Yes, girlfriend." I say and spared a glance at her. Her light brown eyes were on me but she looked away when I looked to her. "So, Ashton. Tell us about yourself."

"Oh. There isn't much to tell and- Oh would you look at that." she says picking up her phone. "My father's calling me home." she quickly gather her things and gets up. "Thanks for today Luc." she says and places a hand on his shoulder but quickly removes it. "Nice meeting you both." she hurriedly rushes out leaving the three of us in the booth.

"So, Lucas, want to tell us about your friend?" I ask and I didn't think it was possible for him to go any paler but I guess today is full of surprises.





crowd: FILLER! 

So next chapter we learn a bit more about Ashton.4

This book hit 2k reads... I thought it would've taken longer than it did but nope! I honestly wasn't expecting the reads to go up that fast so thanks to everyone who reads and votes and comments. 

I'd try to update soon since this was really short so look out for that!

Forbidden Love || Lucas Friar+Maya HartWhere stories live. Discover now