Chapter 10

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"So what's going on with you guys now?" Zay asked me with wide curious eyes pushing a potato chip into his mouth. 

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to steal one but he held the bag out of my reach. "I already told you everything." 

I did tell him everything... well most things, some things were meant to be kept private. He did have a few questions about Ashton though, none of which I had any answers to. I found it strange that Zay, who was one of Lucas' best friends didn't know about Ashton but I just pushed that to the back of my mind.

"I mean, are you guys going to go public now? The only reason you weren't public was because of Riley and now she knows, so why not go public?" He questions taking a sip of the soda sitting next to him.

We both had a free period now and chose to spend it on a wall in the school yard. The five of us Lucas, Farkle, Zay, Riley and me- usually met here before, after or during school to hang out but because of recent disagreements we barely did anymore.

"I don't know about that." my voice sounded unsure. "Won't that be rubbing it in her face?"

"You know what your problem is?" he asks shoving more chips into his mouth. "You're too nice to her."

"How am I too nice to her?"

"I've mentioned this before but everything that you or anyone else does is about her. To make sure Princess Riley is happy and protected. Forget how everyone else feels."

"It's because she's fragile. She needs to be protected." I defended her. Even if she wasn't talking to me right now she was still my best friend.

"Oh please." Zay rolls his eyes. "Fragile my ass. I could see right through her facade, underneath that good girl, innocent, princess exterior is a selfish, manipulative person." He says staring into the distance with a horrified look on his face.

"No there isn't." I laugh at him reaching for the chips again, this time successfully getting it out of his hands. "She's sweet and caring and the best person you'd ever meet."

"Oh really?" He asks taking them back. "Then why did she ask you to break up with Lucas when he obviously makes you so happy?"

"Because she was upset." I shrug and he rolls his eyes at me.

"You really need to stop defending her and everything she does." he states. "I'm really starting to wonder why I even talk to you because something obviously isn't right in that pretty little blonde head of yours."

"It's built into my system to defend her, okay?" I groan. "I  can't help it." The conversation stopped for a little while longer the only sound in our area was the crunching of Zay's chips.

"You need to-"

"Can we please not talk about Riley anymore?" I plead. 

"Okay fine." He holds up his hands in defense. "Lets go back to the original conversation then." he empties his chips and shove the empty pack into his bag. "Are you and Lucas going to come out?" I shrug in response. "Okay, do you want to come out?" shrug. "Does he want to come out?" shrug. "Maya if you shrug one more time I'm going to leave you." he warns and I roll my eyes.

"We're going to continue acting like we normally do, I guess."

"Okay so none stop flirting but no physical contact. Got it." 




This is really short and obviously a filler chapter before I get into the good stuff.

 I know the updates are already slow but they'd be slower this month and next because I'm starting my exams and I really need to study. So there's that. But don't worry school won't be in the way for too much longer because I graduate on Friday. So legally(?) I won't be a High School student anymore but I still have to go for exams. My last exam is thankfully-  May 31st though, so probably from June the updates may be more frequent. 

Forbidden Love || Lucas Friar+Maya HartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon