Chapter 7

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"You guys are dating?" Riley practically hisses out looking beyond pissed.

"Yes. We're dating. Do you have a problem with that?" I glare at her.

"Yes! I have a problem with that."

"Well it's too bad I don't give a shit, isn't it?" I smile sweetly and her jaw drops in surprise. "How is Philly by the way?" Her eyes widen as she remembered her lie to me earlier that day.

"Maya, let me explain." 

"I don't want to hear anything from you." I point to her.

"Maya, let her-" 

"Either of you." I cut him off with a glare. "You can both stay here and formulate some more lies to tell me, but I'm going to go home. Enjoy the rest of your evenings." 


I brought my hand up to knock on the door, ignoring another call on my phone. You'd think after you ignore someone repeatedly they'd get the message and stop calling. Guess some people aren't good at taking hints.

After a few seconds a familiar face appeared in the doorway. "Maya? What are you doing here?"

"Hiding." I shrugged at him. 

He quickly motioned for me to come inside and closed the door behind me. "Who are you hiding from?"

"Riley and Lucas."

"Wait, What?" He asks confused, helping me out of my jacket. "Did she find out?" I just nodded looking to the floor. "What? When? What did she say? What did you say? How?"

"About an hour ago, I was arguing with Lucas, about something that was probably really stupid by the way, and I called him my boyfriend. Then she pops up angrily like 'You guys are dating' as if she's in any position to be angry at me when she lied to me a couple of hours earlier so I told them both to fuck off and came over here." I summed up for him.

"You really told them to piss off?" 

"Well not in those exact words but yeah."

"And you thought that I would just let you hide here?"

"See, now you're understanding it!"



"You can't just run away from your problems." he scolds crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, I can try!" I follow his actions.

"I'm going to call Lucas and let him know you're here." He pulls his expensive phone out of his pocket.

"Farkle, please don't." I plead with him.

"Maya, I have to." He puts the phone to his ear and when I heard the ringing on the other line, I bolted out the door, without even  grabbing my jacket first.


It's been almost two hours since I left Farkle's. After walking around for a while I started to get cold so I headed home, hoping and praying that Lucas or Riley wasn't there. There was obviously the first place they would look so I stayed away for a bit. Hopefully they think that I found somewhere else to hide out after Farkle ratted me out.

Boy was I wrong. I walked into my room to see Riley sitting on my bed with a hard look on her face.

"How did you get in?"  I ask and she pointed to the window, reminding me that I didn't lock it. "Right." I say running my hand through my hair.

"Maya, we need to talk." Riley gets up.

"About what exactly?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. "About how you're not actually in Philly. Or maybe about how you've done nothing but lie and ignore for the past few weeks."

"You're the last one who should be talking about lying." she shoots back putting a finger in my face.

"Riley. If you know what's good for you, you would get your finger out of my face." I warn here looking down at her finger.

"Oh please. What are you gonna do about it." she asks but dropped her hand anyway.

"I would like for you to leave." 

"No. I'm not going we have to talk about this."

"There is nothing to talk about Riley." I say.

"Yes there is. Like the fact that you've been secretly dating Lucas for lord knows how long and you knew that  I liked him." 

"Yeah, well its not much of a secrete anymore so it doesn't matter."

"Maya how could you do that to me? You knew I liked him but you still had to go after him. Do you want to be me that badly that you have to take everything from me?"

"How do I take everything from you?" I raise my voice dropping my arms.

"You weaved your way into my life. First it was my parents. You started complaining like your life was so bad that they started to care about you more than me. Then uncle Shawn. My uncle. You were so desperate for some kind of daddy figure that you had to go take another person out of my life. Then you had this crush on my actual uncle, Josh, you wanted to be part of my family so bad that you went after him. Now Lucas. Do you like ruining my life and taking everything form me?" She yelled looking relieved to finally have everything off of her chest. "And don't think that I haven't seen you looking at Charlie." 

"Do you have any idea how completely ridiculous you sound right now?" I yell back. "Riley I took nothing from you. Your parents love you more than anything and you pushed Shawn onto me because you thought we were similar then you tried setting him up with my mom so don't even tun that on me. The Josh thing was a phase. I just thought he was cute and so did the rest of our class. You just noticed me because we were always together. I don't want to be part of your family. Also how am I looking at Charlie? I don't even like the kid. Much less want him."

"Love how you left Lucas out of your pointless rant there. It's because its true. You may not realise everything else you took with your stupid excuses but you know you took Lucas from me. He was mine and you took him. I know the only reason you don't like Charlie is because he makes me happy and the last thing you want is for me to be happy."

"Okay first of all, stop talking about Lucas like he is an object that you own. Lucas is a person. I don't own him and you never did so stop saying you did. Secondly everything I have done since we met was to make sure you were happy. Your happiness was always put before anyone else to me. Especially my own so don't think for a second that I don't want you to be happy. All I want is for you to be happy. How could you not see that?"

"If my happiness is as important to you as you claim, then I want you to do something for me. Just one thing." she starts. "Break up with him."

"What?" I ask dumbstruck.

"Break up with Lucas and I would forgive you for everything. Break up with him and prove you care about me. That my happiness is your number one priority." she says as if she knew I would.

"Riley," I say. "I can't do that."

"Because you don't carer my happiness. That's it right?"

"No Riley, that's not it. While your happiness is important to me. I'm not going to kill mine for you." I say to her. " Lucas makes me happy so I'm not going to break up with him for you."

"Well, I hope you know where this leaves us."  she walks to my door. "Call me when you care again." she leaves after that. I stood there for a few more minutes thinking about everything. Did Riley and I just stop being friends?

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