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The society we live in today is far more better than before. As an omega I'm allowed to study and work giving my opinion I can do whatever I want but only thing I can't do. I don't know how to ask my parents not to marry me with someone I don't know . This is the only thing we Omega's are facing we are free but still tied not in a real rope but in hopes that we will do whatever our family likes. *jimins thought got interpreted when a knock grab his attention knowing his mother might want him he opens the door. * jimin they are let's go. With this jimins' mother take his hand and went to guest room. She adhore him so much but don't know how to defend resulting getting married for Father's business like her.

The air was thick with anticipation as Alpha Jungkook and his family arrived at the Park residence. The elders exchanged pleasantries, their eyes gleaming with the prospect of a union between two prominent families. The decision had been made long before, a union between Alpha Jungkook and Omega Jimin, a traditional match that seemed destined from the start.

Jimin, a gentle and compliant omega, felt the weight of expectations on his shoulders. His family had arranged this marriage without consulting him, adhering to the societal norms where omegas seldom voiced their desires. He stood in the background, adorned in traditional garments, concealing his inner turmoil with a practiced smile.

The living room was adorned with fragrant flowers, a symbol of unity and fertility. As the families engaged in small talk, Jimin's eyes met Jungkook's, and a subtle understanding passed between them. Unspoken words lingered in the air, creating a connection that went beyond societal expectations.Jungkook the dominate alpha got mesmerized how beautiful jimin is he not strict but face scream a different story. Between the discussion there eyes meet a lot more times. Jungkook heart is beating so fast that is making him worried what is happening and jimin on the other side thinking how miserable his live going to be.

As the elders finalized the details, Jimin's mind raced. He longed for a chance to express himself, to have a say in his own destiny. Yet, the societal norms had ingrained in him the idea that his feelings were secondary, and the wishes of his family and the community held precedence.

Amidst the discussions, Jungkook found a moment to approach Jimin discreetly. "Jimin, I know this is not how you envisioned your future. We may be bound by tradition, but I want you to know that I value your feelings. If there's anything you wish to say, I'm here to listen."

Jimin's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and gratitude. He never expected this in his dear life that one day is husband will ask him.In that brief exchange, a seed of understanding and empathy was planted. Jungkook, the alpha bound by societal expectations, showed a glimpse of compassion that resonated with Jimin's unspoken desires. Jimin with grateful mind smiled melting jk s' heart .

As the evening unfolded, a subtle tension lingered, caught between tradition and the yearning for change. The families, unknowingly, were at the crossroads of tradition and individual agency, with Jimin standing on the precipice of a new beginning. There parents agreed and pass the important documents conforming that they have jimin now. Without even looking at there own son.

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