Chapter 8

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"When will it be ready?"

"I told ye another week at best."

"That's not soon enough! Get it done! Now!"

I can't stand this uncertainty. I have no idea what he's doing to her. All I know is my cuff is no longer on her, and he walked right through the wards. That can only mean one thing, he's not Fae anymore. He's turned into something else altogether. Which also means his power is not from the Gods but the underworld. My sole shot at getting her back is that orb, and who knows what will happen to her in a week's time. Fuck!

I need information. In the past, I made it a point to stay out of my brother's business, showing him I had no interest in his affairs, all the while he obsessed over my every move. Now I know why. Never in all my lifetimes did I imagine he would use the knowledge against me. He was my brother; we were bound by blood to look after one another. I spit at the thought. In my eyes, he's no longer my blood. Just a shell of my brother hiding pure evil. I know what I have to do, and I know for sure where he's been...

I materialize to the gates of damnation. Some call the place hell. In a way, it is. The smell of brimstone is in the air. Fires surround the place, giving light to the absolute darkness and not much warmth. There are bones and carcasses strewn throughout its lands. The worst scavengers and vilest creatures populate this plane. It's where the angel mercenaries cast their filth they are not permitted to kill. It is rumored that this land's ruler is not the devil, but a god cast out because the other gods could not kill him. I hear the screams and howls beyond the gates; the stench has already settled in my nose, working my gag reflux.

To be permitted inside, you must give knowledge, strike a deal, or offer a sacrifice. I intend to make a deal.

"I expected you sooner."

The gates open, and the image is exactly as I expected. I have never been here myself, but I have heard reports from a few. To come here is to permit evil to live inside you, not my forte. The fact I'm here speaks loudly of my desperation. As for the infamous devil, he is not at all what I pictured. He's simply a man. No horns, reptilian skin, red glowing eyes, not even a tail. In fact, he is a common-looking male I could easily pass by and think nothing of.

"Come in, sorry for the wait. It's been a busy year."

I follow him, my hackles raised as I kick an oblong skull out of the way. Many eyes are on me. I can feel them. I follow him down a winding path, mostly free of the bigger matter that litters the wasteland. So much death, I can taste the blood in the back of my throat. He turns and dramatically waves a hand, then just like that, a small structure appears. It's shaped like a large rock and has a cave-like appearance, but there's a door in the center with light pouring out of it. He enters, stepping aside.

"Do come in. It's private. I don't discuss my business in the open."

He leans in and whispers in my ear.

"To many creatures listening."

Turning my head toward him, I glimpse his eyes as they glow red before the black swallows them up. I have to blink to clear my vision, convinced it was a trick of the light when they appear their normal brown again. He gestures me to sit in a chair facing the desk he settles behind. The devil's movements are abnormal as he turns toward a keyboard, flexing his finger. I wince at the cracking noise that seems to linger in my mind, scuttling around like spiders.

"So, Wrath, what delicious deal are we going to make today? How can I be of assistance?"

I look around searching for the perfect words, but I'm so out of my element I come up empty. It's not often I lack control. It's unsettling, to say the least.

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