Chapter 4

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Something’s wrong with her. I can feel her emotions twist in my gut. This giving space idea is becoming old fast. I’m tempted to pop in, but I promised I wouldn’t unless she’s in danger? I don’t sense fear, so I tune it out and hold strong to my promise. It’s nearly morning, and I have to see Ramone today to prepare him for Rosa. This is the last visit she'll have where I'll be away. Once she gets the idea of how our life is here and what it means to be a fae, I will be teaching her.
A knock at my door gets me up and moving.
“Come in.”
It’s Austin. My surprise is short-lived when he slams a ring on my table. I recognize it instantly because there’s only two in existence, and I have the other one. 
“Where did you get this?”
“Rosa handed it over to me after her visit from your brother. He left it behind, you know a little token for her… or maybe to goad you?”
Well, it’s working, fuck! I don’t believe his gall.
“What did he do? Is she okay?”
Curse it! I knew I should have stuck with my instinct and went to her. This fucking plan is heavily flawed.
“She’s fine, but what he said was definitely interesting, to say the least. It got her thinking, which is bad.”
This piques my interest and worry.
“What do you mean? Did you tell her Dayzues is my brother?”
Austin sighs like he’s annoyed and I have the urge to hit him. He’s taking far too long to give me the details and I’m angry beyond reasoning with, though not at him it’s still hard to fight my outrage. I’m damn near using all of my restraint to contain it.
“No, but seeing him, she may put two and two together. You can’t deny your likeness. More importantly, he offered to remove your cuff from her… can you explain to me how this is possible? Can he?”
Dayzues has gone too far this time, brother or no. This will be his last betrayal. I’m no longer playing nice. If he wants a war, he’ll get one.
“I believe it is, with the magic he’s involved in.”
It takes Austin a moment to get my meaning, but when he does, I can tell he understands the depth of the situation we’re facing.
“He found a God? One willing to deal with him?”
I was as surprised as him, but now there’s no denying it.
“It appears so.”
I pop out a chair with my foot before Austin falls on his arse.
“What are his intentions?”
That is the question of most importance, but it’s not a straightforward answer.
“Well, he despises humans, but his hatred for light fae burns deeply since infancy. If I had to guess, he wants to rule and eradicate many worlds. Dayzues feeds off power and with no heirs, I assume he’s out to make a name for himself, to be a legend.”
I watch Austin drop his head in his hands. Try as I may, the only thing on my mind is Rosa. I sit across from him and plead for his help.
“Austin, you have to persuade Rosa to stay away from him. He’s dangerous and will use her to get to me.”
He scoffs
“You know, Rosa, if I tell her not to do something, she’ll do it in spite. I’d be better off not saying a thing.”
“That’s not acceptable. I can’t take that chance!”
Austin gets up and paces the room.
“What are you going to do? If you tell her not to, you might as well hand her over with a gift basket. She hates you.”
I cringe at the conviction in his statement. Although I suspected as much. I had hoped, her hatred faded by now, at least slightly.
“I will do what needs to be done. She will be safe with me.”
Austin pauses, eyeing me suspiciously as he should. What I’m planning is inhumane at best, but must be done.
“What does that mean?”
“It is not your concern! You can not protect her, or won’t that much is obvious. She is his primary target. I will keep her here where I can assure her safety… can I trust you to watch over her for a short time?”
He frowns. I can see his mind is reeling with thoughts as uneasiness flows from him.
“It’s not that simple, Wrath. She has a life on earth, a job, fuck! She has rights.”
I slam my fist down, splintering the thick wooden table.
“She will die otherwise! I don’t think you get the severity of this problem. Dead people can not work.”
Austin throws his hands up .
“Okay! Relax, no need to go crazy, I get it. How will you protect her here, anyway? Can’t he just pop in and take her?”
A smile slowly forms on my lips.
“I’m going to enlist the help of druids.”
A look of disbelief crosses his features.
“You don’t know druids. If there is any left, they are in hiding and will definitely not come out for a fae, let alone a dark fae.”
The satisfaction of my hidden ace in the hole is wholeheartedly enjoyable.
“Yee of little faith, how do you think a king keeps peace so easily… With many connections and resources, all magic is useful.”
Austin appears to be convinced, and I don’t waste any time explaining my agenda anymore than necessary.
“Okay, I will keep her safe and none the wiser… but if you hurt her, I will kill you!”
I pause athis threat and allow myself a brief fit of laughter.
“You know I think I like you Austin, you should have been born to the dark side. I’d be proud to call you brother.”
We part with a respected shake of the hands. Deciding to trust him without a pledge or oath binding the agreement is a risk. I loath to admit human customs are becoming familiar to me. Having spent so much time there, their butchered language has even rubbed off on me and I am talking more like them every day…
The flight to Ireland is long and tiresome. I could have materialized, but that long of a shift would drain me and I can’t afford any weaknesses. At least, until she’s safe. It’s a forty-minute ride out to the cabin near Boyne Valley. I wave a cab over and give the directions. Cracking the window, I take a deep breath, savoring the fragrant air. It’s easy to miss these lands. I’d like to take Rosa here. I think she would appreciate the calming effects of the area.
I direct the cabbie down a private road leading to the property. The lot is empty, no vehicles or signs of life at all. Instructing the cabbie to wait, I jump out, inspecting the area.
The door is unlocked. I listen for any response at all, but there’s still nothing. It looks as though the place has been vacant for years. Then I spot it. A folded kilt sits on the countertop. Walking in, I place my hand on the woven material to get a read.
Back in the day, when druids were hunted, they left possessions behind with their essences for other members to locate them. Sure enough, a perfectly planted image implants itself in my mind’s eye. An apartment in town. How modern and unlike them. I try again, just to be sure, but I get the same image. Hmm, that is… unsettling.
I get back to town, frustrated by the time I’ve wasted. When I reach the apartment and hit the buzzer number, my patience is fragile.
“Aye, who’s dis?”
I’m momentarily perplexed by the youthful voice coming through the speaker.
“It is Wrath, I’m looking for O’ Donnelly.”
“It foohkhen whorked Finn-”
The young man’s words are cut off and the buzzer sounds. I pull the door open and climb the stairs two steps at a time. I’m met in the hallway by a young duo the bigger of the two is the eldest with curling black hair and piercing grey eyes he’s dressed in hole ridden jeans and a worn grey t-shirt, the words ‘Black Sabbath’ written in block letters. The second looks like O’Donnell with an aristocrat nose, pale skin and red tinged beard. He’s the first to speak.
“How’d ye know me, da?”
I clear my throat and look around.
“May I come in? I would rather speak in private.”
He opens the door wider, waving me in. I feel I’m wasting precious time and get straight to the point.
“I need to speak with your father. It is an urgent matter.”
They look at each other and the older one scoffs. My eye begins to twitch as my anger simmers on the surface.
“Nay, nary a chance. Our da has passed.”
I’m stunned for a moment. This can’t be happening? The younger one eyes my ear. I shake my hair out, covering the tip and reflectively snap my teeth. There’s no way I’m getting anywhere with these two. I’m best to cut my losses and come up with another plan.
“My condolences.”
I turn to leave.
Biting my tongue, I pause without turning.
“Is it Druidry yer seeking?”
I look back at the red-headed boy staring into his eyes, but I’m struggling to get a read. It’s there, faint but thriving, lively. Ancient magic.
“Yes, I need your assistance. Your father and I shared a history. We have exchanged favors in the past.”
They whisper amongst themselves low enough I can’t make sense of what they’re discussing. Judging by the heated tone and pace, they are disagreeing.
“Are ye de Wrath? Yer a dark fae fer real?”
I raise my brow at his excited tone. If I didn’t sense it, I would never believe someone so naïve could harness druidry. It takes many years and specific bloodlines to obtain the skill. He’s just a pup.
“Who left the kilt?”
It’s the druid that answers.
“Me da made me, twas his slow dyin dat made yer findin possible, he had many a last demands.”
Druids do usually live a few life times as their link to ancient magic extends the average human life span tenfold. I’m surprised he didn’t contact me, though it makes me wonder how many species he served.
“What exactly were ye needin?”
My hopes plummet. There’s no way he knows advanced druidry but while I’m here, it’s worth a shot.
“A neutralizing orb strong enough to temporarily null a gods magic and give enough time to materialize. Also a protection ward, in dark faery.”
His eyes bulge, and he erupts in laughter.
“Oli foohk, ye de real deal fer sure, mate. Protections easy anywhere, couple o runes tis nothin but de orb? Ach, I’ll be needin me bruhders help on dat one.”
I point toward the man beside him.
“Is that your brother?”
He looks at me like I’m addled, but it’s him that is.
“I don’t sense a lick of power from that one.”
The man smirks proudly. When he speaks, I recognize him as the voice coming through the intercom.
“Ye wouldn’t, I am a master at Druidry and I mask me power.”
That surprises me. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. As if reading my mind, I feel a powerful surge come rolling off him. A wide grin spreads across my face.
“I am Conor and he is Oisin.”
I nod, rushing towards the door.
“Well then, let’s go. I will buy your tickets.”
“Not so fast. I know how ye fae work. I’ll be havin yer oath now, dat yer in me debt.”
Well, this one’s not naïve
I place my hand out and nod toward him. When his lay flat on mine, I mutter the words,
“To you I owe a debt in favor for your need is now mine.”
I watch him shudder as the promise I gave slithers from my palm to his and embeds itself in him.
“Dats it? How do I reach ye?”
“You don’t until you need me and when you do, you simply say my name.”
He pauses. It’s obvious he’s skeptical.
“Do not offend me! We must leave now. Time is a factor.”
“Aye, we’ll be ready nary a minute.”
By the time they gather their things and we reach the airport, it’s late in the evening. I’m agitated with the amount of time I’ve spent here. My estimation is nearly double in reality, and I still have a twelve-hour flight ahead. Not to mention relying on Austin is nerve-racking. Millions of possibilities run through my mind, all unpleasant, disturbing imaginings. I look over at the druids and begin to wonder just how capable they are. I don’t see any other alternatives in the near future. This is the only move I have at my disposal. I was certain Rosa would be safest with me. Now, I’m not so sure. I will have to watch them closely and test the boundary somehow before bringing her. They both doze off during the flight. I have no chance at sleep until I know she’s safe.
When we reach Minneapolis, I get as close to the riff as possible before materializing the three of us. They stumble, unused to the feeling. Now I’m sure they haven’t been to another dimension. Their magic better work or I will twist my oath into a hellish nightmare they’ll regret ever receiving.
“This is yer home?”
I straighten my spine, looking down at Oisin.
“It is, and what about it?”
His tone is scathing. He steps back, holding his hands up.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean ye any offence, it is very… dark. ”
I roll my eyes and motion for them to start. Connor does a double take before beginning.
“Ye want the entire property warded?”
I exaggeratedly throw my hands in the air, shaking my head.
“Can you do it or not?”
He glares at me. I could snap his neck like a twig. I just might.
“Try what yer thinking and well be havin more than words, mate. I can do it, but it will take some time.”
I massage my temples, closing my eyes.
“How long?”
“A couple O’ hours. Yer orb will take days and I’ll need to go home for that.”
I nod, returning to the hall, taking deep breaths to ease my irritation.
A few hours later, the brothers assure me the warding spell goes off without a hitch. It’s a whole bunch of repetitive Gaelic phrases and some candle lighting around the property. Then they each cut their hand, spilling their blood on my doorstep. Seems traditional enough. I’ve seen one before and it was similar, if not exact. They’re eager to leave and I’m impatient to be rid of them. The sooner I get Rosa here, the safer she’ll be. I escort them back to Minneapolis; they take the shift much better, knowing what to expect.
“We will let you know when it’s ready.”
“Thank you, Connor. I’ll be waiting on your call. You as well, Oisin, I am in both your debts.”
They nod at my satisfaction. Their exhaustion is evident. To be fair, it is consuming magic, especially for such an extensive property.
I debate enticing Dayzues to test the ward, but even if it’s faulty, she’s still safer with me, and it's time I get her.

Claiming Rosa (Book 2) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now