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Jin Pov

Our life never stops we have to move on we 6 did but she didn't able to do it she still waits for him it's not like we forget his death

But we are moving on she stopped her life for him I told her that it's useless he will not come he is dead but seems like she took his last words seriously

Ahh....I am just worried for her she is still thinking he will come back she laughs infront of us and smile infront of us but only I know that this all is a show

She is broken from inside and only Namjoon can fix it but it's totally impossible we both was sitting in a couch and Jimin stood infront of us

Jimin:so which colour suit will be good black or white? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:hmm....who is the dominator in your relationship? *raised eyebrow*

Jimin:why you're so interested in this question? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:ok I will ask Yoongi-

Jimin:wait a minute girl ok it's him now tell me what color will be good *raised eyebrow*

Luna:well white cuz you're submissive *smirk*

Jimin:wait so this is the reason girls wear white gown in there wedding? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:obviously no white is the sign of loyalty and truthfulness *smile*

Jimin:ohhh......but ok I am a atheist *smile*

Jin:me too *hands on Luna shoulder*

Luna:huh....but Lucy is religious and I am happy about it *smile*

Jin:whatever but actually where is my jagiya *looks around*

Jimin:look there she is with Hoseok *smile*

Luna:what? *looks back*

Jimin:what? *looks at luna*

Luna:Hoseok you should be with Yoongi right? *raised eyebrow*

Hoseok:actually I bring him here with me *smile*

Yoongi:hello everyone *eyes on phone*

Luna:damn ok let's call Ciara as well *looks at hoseok*

Hoseok:I already did *smile*

Luna:fuck I am feeling single *rolls eyes*

Jin:why so busy in phone *looks at yoongi*

Yoongi:well just checking the tickets of my show all tickets sold out with in 1 hour *smile*

Jimin:good job *claps*

Yoongi:I don't want you to clap for me just kiss me it will be enough *smirk*

Luna:oh....Jesus why my friends are so shameless *closed eyes*

Jimin & Yoongi:and what about you Miss.Ruiz *chuckles*

Luna:ahh....nevermind just select the suit you both Mingyu called me to station *checks the time*

Hoseok:oh...yeah our friend is police officer now she don't have time for us *fake sad face*

Luna:aghh....stop this emotional drama I am here ok *glared at hoseok*

Ciara;damn even her glare is sexy *pecked hoseok cheeks*

Hoseok:hey you're my girlfriend flirt with me not with her *pout*

Ciara:what to do she is the girl I am ready to worship after god *smirk to luna*

Luna:sure come on worship me I am always ready for you *smirk*

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