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--*Next Night*--

Luna Pov

I was sitting in the the rooftop wearing a white dress ready to do the ritual today is half moon night I sat on ground and lighted the candles

I took the Bible and started murmuring the ritual spells my butterfly necklace was lying between the candle my eyes were closed

For ritual I needed something related to that dead person and I only have this necklace so yes it will surely work I can feel the cold wind

As soon as the ritual get done I opened my eyes and saw the water colour turned white ok....that means The ritual is successful now I just have to sleep

I took the necklace and wore it around my neck I walked downstairs And changed my clothes in the comfortable ones ahhh......I am feeling scared

I mena I trust in God blindly but I don't trust in rituals ahh...its ok father Carlos also did these types of ritual everything will be good

I drank the ritual water kept in side table and then I laid on bed closing my eyes trying hard to sleep and finally I was in my dreamland

I found myself in white dress my surroundings was fully white is it heaven?ahhh...nevermind I saw a man sitting on a bench backfacing me

I walked towards him and sat beside him that man was Jin he looked at me and smiled ahh....it feels little creepy but it's ok

Luna:Jin! *looks at him*

Jin:yes butterfly *looks at her*

Luna:you're dead right? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:obviously I am but as you know soul never dies *chuckles*

Luna:ok....and where am I? *looks around*

Jin:this is the centre of 2 world's death world or real world and as you know our last rites are left that's why we are here in centre *calm tone*

Luna:so you want me to do the last rites of you 6? *looks at him*

Jin:no....cuz our soul is forcefully captured that's why if you noticed our dead bodies then you can see it's not decaying cuz it's not our time to leave the world someone is forcing us *serious tone*

Luna:who is that someone?why it feels like a black magic thing? *confused eyes*

Jin:obviously it's related to black magic you know about Abraxas *looks at luna*

Luna:father Carlos used to tell a story about it but I never heard it carefully *calm tone*

Jin:everything is connected to Abraxas and Namjoon *looks at sky*

Luna:Namjoon? *amazed*

Jin:yes......Namjoon is under the possession of Abraxas and he captures our souls to sacrifice it to Abraxas *sad tone*

Luna:how do you know all this? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:when he captured our soul I get to know all this you was the only one with whom I can contact that's why I came in your dream *calm tone*

Luna:then I should arrest Namjoon and everything will be fine *serious tone*

Jin:its not work like this Luna I know you love him he loves you too so you have to take him out the possession *serious tone*

Luna:ok what you want me to do next? *focused*

Jin:don't tell Namjoon that I can contact you and yes try to find the book of Abraxas in his house then you have to read the book-

✔️EndlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora