Sleeping Pills.33

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Luna Pov

I saw him walking out of the cabin angrily I rolled my eyes angrily and my eyes fell on my fully reloaded gun I took the gun and closed my eyes

Ahhh....I really want to empty all these bullets inside his body but calm down Luna you know that other 6 will be sad and you can't see them sad

I sighed and took the case file of them I opened it and started doing my final signature for closing the case I ringed the bell and Mingyu walked inside

Mingyu:yes Mam you called me *bows*

Luna:take this file and burn it infront of me *serious tone*

He took the file and checked it he looked at me with widen eyes I rolled my eyes and walked towards him I know why he is so shocked

Mingyu:noona but this case was very important for you right? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:yeah.....but now this is just a burden and also I have to finish the every trace of this case for that I have to burn the files first *serious tone*

Mingyu:oh-oh ok I will burn it-

Luna:burn it infront of me Mingyu *glared*

Mingyu:don't you trust me-

Luna:I trust you more then me but there are some people's whom I can't trust and your life maybe in danger if that people's will get to know about the file *concern tone*

Mingyu:Mam you was very traumatized when this case was started and now you're closing it why? *serious tone*

Luna:huh......look Mingyu I want to show the world that this case was fake are you understanding my point? *raised eyebrow*

Mingyu:obviously not but it's ok if you're doing something then you surely decided something good *smile*

Luna:yes....just burn every detail about this case and also the past police records of Kim Taehyung and Kim Namioon burn it along with this file *serious tone*

Mingyu:so you want to show that the 6 people's never died? *confused eyes*

Luna:I also don't know what I am going to do right now but the main thing is burning details of this case after burning it go to hospital and remove the postmortem reports as well *serious tone*

Mingyu:ok got that are you going somewhere? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:yeah......I am taking a day off seems like I pissed off my boyfriend so now I have to make it up *rolls eyes*

Mingyu:ohhhhh......damn *teasing tone*

Luna:yaaa...don't act like that *hit him playfully+shyly*

Mingyu:*laughs* it's ok noona go and enjoy your day I will manage everything *smile*

Luna:ok....but be careful I can't lose you now *concern tone*

Mingyu:don't worry noona whole Seoul knows that I work under you and no one wants to die that early so yeah no one will hurt me *smile*

Luna:well I am glad whole Seoul is afraid of me but there is only one man in this world who is not afraid of me he is just like me with more evilness *lost somewhere*

Mingyu:who?ahhh....its ok nevermind I will ask you some other day now give me the file and let me burn it infront of you *walks away*

I was checking the files for the last time ahh....seriously I spended almost more then one month in this case but I didn't get anything

But obviously it was a sucide finding anything was almost impossible my eyes stopped in Jin file ahhh.....1st level is going to complete Jin now

I will move to 2nd level I saw Mingyu coming with petroleum he threw the file in the dustbin and then pour the petroleum he lighted the fire

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