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--*1 Year later*--

Author Pov

A girl fixed her cap and walked outside the caravan she was walking while her hands inside her pocket in her way she saw a boy she smiled and gave him a high five the boy gave her the most sweetest smile ever

??:going to Yoongi hyung house? *raised eyebrow*

??;yes Luna what about you? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:same it's just I didn't expected to met you Namjoon *smile*

Namjoon:even if you'll try to run away from me I will be around you as a shadow *smile*

Luna:ok ok don't scare me now or else I still carry pencils *sarcastic tone*

Namjoon:but now I know how to control you *smirk*

Luna:no......I want to get controlled by you that's why you able to control me or else you know me *smirk*

Namjoon:damn somethings never changes *chuckles*

Luna Pov

It's been more then 1 year we passed our last year of high school and after that we decided that we will not go to college even tho I wanted to go but I have no money for it

So I decided to save money for my books related to police I enjoy my time with them and now we 8 get very close to eachother I realised one thing that life never stops

In our group every older have a younger one Namjoon have Tae,Yoongi have Jk,Hoseok have Jimin and Jin have me I never call them oppa and Tae,Jimin never calls me noona

It's only Jk who calls me noona I almost flirt with Jimin,Hoseok and sometimes Namjoon as well but ok more then flirt we argues yes this thing didn't changed between us

We reached to Yoongi house and we walked inside seems like they are in the mood of party Jimin pulled me to him and started dancing with me I was happy seeing them happy

Luna:woah....atleast tell me what's going on *looks at jimin*

Jimin:yaaa......did you forget finally our baby of group turned 18 *looks at jk*

Damn I totally forget about it I walked towards him and hugged him tightly after sometime we backed off he was really very happy the smile was not leaving his face

Jk:so.....noona now I am 18 what you think about me *smirk*

Luna:nothing to think you're like my younger brother afterall I am 21 now *laughs*

Jk:yaaa.....atleast flirt with me once *pout*

Luna:if I will flirt with you then your Yoongi hyung will beat me *laughs*

Jin:facts *stand beside luna*

Luna:also I have more intresting boys to flirt *smirk+looks at jin*

Jin:oh....I am sure you're looking at the person behind me *points at namjoon*

Luna:ahh...fuck off *rolls eyes*

Jin:I am spilling the facts you're also our friend but we never flirted with you the way he does *smirk*

Luna:he never flirts *rolls eyes*

Jin:he does in his style *smirk*

Luna:why you all ship me with him I don't like it *walks away*

Hoseok:but we like it *smirk*

I rolled my eyes and walked towards Tae he was doing graffiti in the wall I stood beside him and saw what he is making damn he is very good in all this

✔️EndlessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant