The Queen Bee

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After a short while Bixbite would pull up to the location in question, looking up at it as he pulled into the drive through, and let the small imp out before transforming into his robotic self. “so, this is the ‘queen’s’ palace?” Bixbite asked as he followed the imp “indeed it is!” the imp said “hm, a lot cooler than some of the castles and fortresses I've seen in my lifetime” Bixbite thought aloud. The imp would walk through the main door, while Bixbite had to get on his hands and knees to crawl in, due to him being much bigger than the intended height limit on doors it was a bit of a squeeze, but he made it in.

 The imp would walk through the main door, while Bixbite had to get on his hands and knees to crawl in, due to him being much bigger than the intended height limit on doors it was a bit of a squeeze, but he made it in

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Looking around Bixbite could see a bunch of the locals lounging and partying. laughter and the smell of alcohol and all sorts of treats filled the air, making an odd, but welcoming scent. As Bixbite got up from his knees the partygoers would all look over at the towering mechanical giant. At first they were quiet, sharing a few glances at one another and Bixbite, before the room erupted in a roar of excitement. Blinding flashes of light would fill the space, and hounds would run over to Bixbite, berating him with loads of questions. Bixbite was overwhelmed with surprise, though it was quite a lot, and the clamorance of hounds surrounding him, even some going as far as to climb up his clomper boots, caused Bixbite to fall backwards onto his metal fender.

“Alright party people! Give the bot some room to breathe!” a loud, female voice spoke, causing the hounds and imps to back away. Bixbite would look around the place, trying to find the source of the voice as the lights began to dim, though that’s when he saw her. Up on the disco ball was a hellhound, though unlike the others, she sported four arms, a color palette matching the building itself, and had lava-like hair, tail and even a lava lamp-like stomach.

That had to be ‘Queen Bee’

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That had to be ‘Queen Bee’. “So, you must be the new guy in town if I'm not mistaken?” The hound asked as she flew down to Bixbite, landing in front of him as Bixbite got back up to his feet. “That would be me, yeah, and I'm guessing you’re this ‘queen bee’ person I heard about?” Bixbite asked “oh please, skip the formalities! everyone just calls me Beezlebub, or Bee for short!” Bee explained.

Her name reminded Bixbite of BumbleBee, Prime and Elita’s adopted son during the war “Hm, well pleasure to meet you Bee, Name’s Bugb- I mean Bixbite, or Bix for short” Bixbite quickly corrected himself from using the wrong, old name. “Hm, well pleasure to meet the bot that saved some of my home ring's locals!” Bee said with a smile, flying up to Bixbite’s eye level “ah it was nothing, it’s the job of an autobot after all” Bixbite rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at the red logo on his chest. Bee would look at the logo, then at Bixbite again “ah-HA! So you are the infamous Red Mist too!” Bee grinned “and what’s an ‘autobot?’” Bee asked. “We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron, and this symbol signifies my allegiance to the Autobot faction” Bixbite explained, tapping his Autobot badge.

“Damn, so not only a hero, and not only our mystery graffiti artist, but an alien too? I swear big bot here get more interesting as time goes on” A gray, muscular hellhound spoke up, smiling at Bee and Bix

“Damn, so not only a hero, and not only our mystery graffiti artist, but an alien too? I swear big bot here get more interesting as time goes on” A gray, muscular hellhound spoke up, smiling at Bee and Bix

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“Well there’s more than meets the eye with me” Bixbite smiled a little, everyone laughing a little. Bixbite, for once in a long time, felt welcome somewhere…

He didn’t feel alone anymore..

“Anyway, since you clearly didn’t get a welcome when you first arrived down here in hell, welcome to my domain, the Gluttony ring!” Bee spoke with a grin, before howling, everyone joining in with her, getting a goofy grin on Bixbite’s metal face. “How…did you end up down here anyway?” Bee asked as things settled down, and other party goers went back to doing their thing “i’m…..honestly not sure, I was drifting through space with some buddies of mine, went into stasis lock, and woke up in your forests” Bixbite shrugged. “For the longest few cycles I was worried I was separated from my friends forever, but then I saw Terri-bull on the bridge!” Bixbite added.

“So that was the other guy on the bridge, why’d he attack you?” The greyhound Vortex asked “i’m not sure, Terri was a pretty chill bot for the most part, so seeing him attack innocent people was a bit jarring” Bixbite explained “hm, well Vortex and I did a bit of research on this ‘Terri’ guy, and found of there’s other bots that fit a similar description to you and your bull buddy” Bee explained, causing Bixbite’s engine to rev with joy. “My friends are down here?!” Bixbite blurted out “in the other rings yeah, and most have been seen with the other sins, demons like me. two bots i remember were named ‘pridestar’ and ‘Mimi’, working for lucifer in the pride ring and Belphegor in Sloth respectively” Bee explained “Pridestar Pridestar…That’s gotta be Northstar, and Mimi sounds like someone sleeping, so that’s gotta be Insomnia” Bixbite thought aloud.

“That would make sense, though there have been a few others running around the rings of hell” Vortex explained “others?” Bixbite asked “yeah, five of them to be exact, though we do know their names thankfully” Bee explained as the three walked off to a more private spot, before using her magic to conjure up a projection of these five bots. “Motor Master, Wildrider, Deadend-” “Dragstrip and Breakdown” Bixbite finished Bee’s sentence as he looked at the projection, seeing four cars and a truck bursting through traffic in the Sloth ring. “Guys were notorious back on cybertron, even worse when put together. How’d they get down here?” Bixbite asked himself, though his answer would be left up in the air as he heard a loud crash in a nearby room.

Quickly the three would run out of the room, and would see chaos unfold. Imps and hellhounds ran about, clamoring over one another as they ran to the exit, and on the posit side of the room was a yellow F1 race car, which displayed a Purple, sinister logo on the front, before the vehicle began to transform. The spoiler would shift into feet, the front set of wheels became shoulder pillars, and the engine block would slap itself in place as part of the torso.



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