Myth Turned Hero

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Unknown, Unknown_


Over the next few following stellar cycles Bixbite would continue to establish himself a new life in hiding, turning the once abandoned warehouse into a home for him. some of the walls were lined with murals of the Cybertronian war, showing both the Autobots and Decepticons clashing in a fight. In the back was a small workshop, with a few tools and spare car parts for self-repair. Plus Bixbite had a literal truckload of all the spray paint the bot could want along with some makeshift furniture.

The young bot had also built himself somewhat of a mysterious reputation as a local myth, now and then a mural would pop up somewhere in the city of an Autobot emblem sprayed onto a wall or street. of course this was his doing, but nobody knew that, so for the time he was dubbed "The Red Mist". "Primus that's such a tacky name! Even Huffer could come up with something better than that!" Bixbite chuckled as he read an article he had found outside his heidy-hole. Bixbite stretched a bit as he sat up from a stack of metal crates in the shape of a couch, rolling his shoulders "Aaannyway! What's for today's to-do list?" Bixbite asked himself as he looked at a list pinned to a wooden wall on a catwalk, which acted as a desk for the bot.

-Find some Orange paint cans

-Keep out of sight

-Find the others

-Make some new friends(?)

The list was pretty bare-bones, but the last two items have been on the list for a long time. No matter how hard Bixbite looked, he couldn't find any of his friends.Were they dead? were they gone? was the war over and Bixbite left behind?...questions for another day. "Okay, simple enough, got last cycle's supplies from some old facility on the other side of that bridge, so just gotta go it again," Bixbite said to himself as he took a few steps outside, before converting into his alternate mode and driving off.

Bixbite would let the radio play to help clear his mind. The past few stellar cycles had been rather lonely for Bixbite, he's searched this world high and low for any signs of his friends but uncovered nothing. Thankfully the music helped. "Primus give me a sign.." Bixbite said to himself as a song titled "Cotton Candy" played as Bixbite drove into the city.

After a few hours, Bixbite would arrive at a large golden bridge, with many cars and people littered around like bugs. However, it seemed there was a problem up ahead, as nobody was moving, and some of the people on foot were looking rather concerned. "Traffic jam?" Bixbite asked himself, though his console screen on the dashboard would start beeping, showing a red dot on the screen.

But that's when it happened. Before Bixbite could catch what his console was beeping about the bridge would begin to crack and break around him and others. People yelled and screamed as the chaos unfolded, and the van in front of him began to slide off the side of the bridge. The Hellhound inside thought this would be the end of her and her drunk imp father as the front of the van began to dive, but would suddenly come to a jolting halt. The van would be pulled back to safety as the Hellhound girl looked out of her window, confused.

Bixbite would pat the top of the van as he finished converting into robot mode, his chest plate clicking a bit as everyone looked up at the bot, full of wonder, plus some fear. "All of you, get off the bridge!" Bixbite yelled out as he pointed to the closest end of the bridge. The locals would agree with little hesitation, backing up their cars and running off the bridge to safety. "Now to see if I can fix this" Bixbite would flip up his battle mask, which looked like that of a gas mask.

Bixbite would start running, pulling out his gun and swapping it to foam mode, shooting pellets at damaged spots, which would be held together by green foam that quickly hardened. Quickly the bridge became stable again, though Bixbite was curious: what caused this in the first place? Bixbite quickly got his answers as a pair of horns slammed themselves into his back, knocking him over. "Ow!" Bixbite yelled as he looked at the owner of the horns.

Standing behind him was another cybertronian, sporting large pieces of monster truck kibble, and in their hands was a hammer made from tires. "...Teribull?" Bixbite asked as he quickly got up "It's bullhorn now bug" Bullhorn spoke, his tone was nasty as he swung his hammer at Bixbite, who quickly dodged the attack. "What happened to you?!" Bixbite asked as he shot some pellets at bullhorn. Bixbite got no response as his friend broke through the foam.

The two would be locked in battle, getting good blows on one another before Bixbite tricked Bullhorn into falling off the bridge, though at the cost of the bridge continuing its collapse. "Oh scrap," Bixbite said as he looked around, before hearing a girl yelling out. Bixbite's eyes quickly locked onto her, a small imp with a bee in her hair and her leg under some rubble "Oh double scrap!" Bixbite would begin to run, the bridge beginning to fully collapse under his feet Bixbite would quickly run to the girl and free her before more rubble fell onto her.

Bixbite would then transform into his beetle form as he tossed the girl into his passenger seat, driving as quickly as he could as the ground beneath his tires fell into the golden river below. Bixbite would come closer and closer to the end of the bridge, but the ground there began to fall too. With little options, Bixbite would transform back into robot mode and toss the imp to safety, while Bixbite himself took the plunge. He saved everyone from the bridge, though as quickly as he had once appeared he had disappeared...

Party dome, the center of the city_

After a wild party, the hostess would be seen cleaning up, using her four arms to carry and clean things. "My Satan that was great! Especially meeting Loona, she was nice" The Fenix/bee hybrid spoke to herself as an imp to run up to her "Queen bee, the bridge has collapsed!" The imp yelled. "What?! how?!" Bee asked, concerned and agitated "Take a look for yourself" the imp responded as Bee used some magic to open a portal, which displayed the prior events.

"Thankfully everyone was saved thanks to a machine" the imp spoke as he pointed to the mystery bot, who we know as Bixbite. "We're not sure where he came from, but-" "Find him, I wanna have a chat with him" Bee spoke as she looked at the bot, curious. "Yes your queen" the imp spoke as he ran off, leaving Beezlebub to herself.

"Who are you?.."

New Found Home (A Transformers X Helluva Boss Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora