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Bixbite and his crew would be offline for centuries, melena even as their ship drifted through the quiet, cold vacuum of space, though it wouldn't be long before interception with a rift...

Unknown, unknown_


Bixbite would groan as light shined on his metallic face through the clouded screen of his stasis pod, raising a hand to block out the light in his face. "ugh..." Bixbite groaned as he opened his eyes a bit, not used to the intense light. After a bit Bixbite would grab the release handle of his pod's door, pulling it open as he sat up.

Bixbite was greeted by a strange sight, a bright, colorful world full of lush plant life and golden buildings in seemingly every direction.

Bixbite was greeted by a strange sight, a bright, colorful world full of lush plant life and golden buildings in seemingly every direction

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".... Where on Cybertron am I?" Bixbite asked as he stretched, before checking his arm console. Though it seemed the computer built into his arm was just as confused as he was "oh well that's just handy" Bixbite sighed as he closed the console lid, shutting it off.

"Okay, you're fine Bixbite, just remember what Prowl taught you and the others" Bixbite cleared his voice to do a shitty good cop impression "when in unfamiliar territory find an alternate mode as soon as you arrive" Bixbite would walk over to his pod and opened another console, built into the side of it.

The console would deploy a small satellite drone, which would fly off and out of the little forest Bixbite was in before coming back a few moments later, projecting a picture of a VW racing beetle.

The console would deploy a small satellite drone, which would fly off and out of the little forest Bixbite was in before coming back a few moments later, projecting a picture of a VW racing beetle

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", it'll do" Bixbite shrugged as he scanned the hologram, which in doing so changed a few parts on his metallic body into those of the beetle. "Now I just got to hide my pod..." Bixbite would look around, before spotting a small cave, though big enough for him and his pod.

Bixbite would quickly roll the pod into the cave, and after covering it up with some random tree branches he was good to go. Bixbite would walk away from the cave, and once at an empty road transformed into his alternate mode. His arms hid behind his doors, his head flipped under the hood and the rest of his body would collapse into the small vehicle's frame, leaving no robotic kibble visible.

Bixbite would drive down the road for I felt like a cycle, but soon he would roll into a city area, greeted with more unique buildings and colorful vegetation "wow..." Bixbite quietly said to himself as he looked around, though continued to follow the road laws in car mode. Bixbite would also notice the locals, some were anthropomorphic wolves and reptiles, some small red little things and a few other species Bixbite had never quite seen before. "... Am I on a new planet?" Bixbite would ask, somewhat confused before panic set in.

Where are his friends? Bixbite would come to a screeching halt as reality set in "oh Primus!" Though in his panic a few cars would crash behind him "what's the big idea?!" A hound yelled from his car window "oh, sorry!" Bixbite yelled back, snapping back to reality before quickly continuing to drive. thankfully it seemed like none of the automotive vehicles were damaged behind Bixbite. Bixbite would continue driving for a few hours before finding a good place to hide and stretch his big metal legs, that being a warehouse of course.

Bixbite would drive in, transforming back into his robot mode and pacing around the place "slag slag slag! Where could  Northstar and the others be?!" Bixbite panicked, holding the sides of his helm with his hands as he thought. Bixbite would quickly open his arm console, hoping the trackers he and his friends had could point him in the right direction, though, nothing showed up. "Oh well scrap me then!"

In his frustration bixbite would kick a box, causing it to dump its contents and revealing a bunch of spray paint cans. "What the?" Bixbite would grab one of the cans, holding it up to his face as he scanned it. He would give the top a little squeeze, seeing a purple mist come out of the nozzle. Paint. "Hm... Maybe this could help me get my mind off things.." Bixbite would grab some other spray paint cans and walk over to an open wall. using it as his canvas the lost bot would paint his struggles away, humming away...

 using it as his canvas the lost bot would paint his struggles away, humming away

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