A Chance for Change

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A few hours would go by after the bridge collapsed, there being no sign of the two mechanical beings that fought. "Who were they?" "what are they?" "are they even hellborn?", these were the thoughts of many as the word spread like wildfire. On a nearby beach, connected to the river under the bridge a sugar crab would be scuttling along, before scurrying off as the golden water splashed onto the beach, along with Bixbite himself, gasping for his breath. "Sweet- primus-!" Bixbite wheezed, pulling himself onto the sandy land, before rolling himself onto his back, coughing up some water and fish. "Never doing that again" Bixbite panted, pounding on his metal chest to get the rest of the water out of his engine and interior.

As the Cybertronain lay in the sand the gravity of the situation would slowly start to sink into his metal frame. He just transformed in front of everyone on that bridge, the gluttony ring knows of his and Terri-bull's existence. Fuck. "oh crap...now everyone knows I exist, I'm supposed to lay low, be a robot in disguise, DISGUISE" Bixbite groaned to himself as he rubbed his forehead, before a new thought kicked in: Terri-Bull was here too, and if he was here...the chances of the others being in this weird utopia with Bixbite were high. "Hmm...maybe this isn't too bad of a situation, but now I gotta find a new alt-mode" Bixbite spoke to himself as he sat up, the sand on his back slowly falling off and back onto the beach.

Bixbite would look around the area as he ducked into some foliage, looking for something his size, though there was nobody around, and in turn: no vehicles. "Hm..well hopefully nobody's gonna remember my alt-mode" Bixbite lied to himself as he converted into his beetle form, and drove off to his garage, knowing very little that someone was watching him.

After a long drive home, and taking the backroads Bixbite would arrive at his place, and once inside he would convert into his robot mode, stretching a little as his metallic bits settled into the robotic configuration. "Oookay, hopefully I can just lay low and everyone will forget who I am," Bixbite thought to himself as he looked around the place "And hopefully...this won't happen again" Bixbite sighed as he sat down at his makeshift couch, looking over at the war mural, seeing the graffiti of him, Terri-Bull, Neptune and the others all fighting alongside one together.

All as one...

Though before Bixbite could let the oil works out he'd hear a knocking at the door, causing Bixbite to jump into a panic. Bixbite would convert his arm into the foam blaster and slowly approached the main door to his hidey-hole. "Don't be a con don't be a con don't be a con" Bixbite whispered to himself,  and after a moment of hesitation, he would open the garage door, just enough to see who it was. The door slowly raised open, revealing a small, red little creature with stripes on its horns, maybe no taller than a mini-con, but certainly minuscule compared to Bixbite. "good evening!" the imp spoke as Bixbite pointed his weapon at the small red creature "Who are you?! And why are you here?" Bixbite spoke out, trying his best to sound intimidating, with a varying level of success.

"calm yourself big one, I am only here to ask you something for Queen bee!" the little devil would hold his hands in the air "Queen bee?" Bixbite asked, slowly lowering the foam gun, the name was..familiar, though he didn't know why exactly. "Yes! She wishes to meet the hero who saved her ring's people!" The little guy explained, Bixbite tilting his head in response. He was...a hero? The first time he's been called that in a long while. "Uhm..alright? And where would I meet this 'Queen bee' you speak of?" Bixbite asked, his foam gun tucked back into his arm again. "Her party dome, of course, it's the center of the gluttony ring, you can't miss it!" the little one explained.

Bixbite would think for a moment, before looking over at the to-do list, looking at the last item. After a deep breath, he would nod "Alright, you have me interested, take me there" Bixbite would step out of the garage, shutting the garage door on his way out, making sure not to crush the little red guy. Bixbite would convert into his Beetle form, and would open the passenger door "get in". "You got it, we'll be there in a flash!" The imp spoke as he climbed in, buckling himself as Bixbite drove off, and with the help of the imp, was on his way to the party dome.

"This better be worth it..."

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