He sighs, "It's Dante's night to be with her. I'm giving them their time alone."

I knew they were her mates, but it still seemed so weird that brothers had to share one woman. It didn't seem right.

Atticus is unusually quiet, and l can tell he has plenty on his mind. Was he thinking about the incident at dinner? Would he find it strange that all these unexplainable events only occurred whenever I was around him? I knew that I would be suspicious if I was him.

I breathed a sigh of relief when we were finally back home.

I was happy to get some time to myself as I rushed into the house and straight to our bedroom. However It doesn't last long, a few minutes later, I hear the door to the bathroom open, and that reminds me that this room also belonged to him.

My heart began to pound loudly as I looked up to see Atticus walk into the room with his hair slightly wet and with nothing on apart from his short. His bare chest was also damp and glistening with water droplets. I force myself to look away when he starts to dry himself and walk inside the bathroom and lock it breathing a sigh.

I couldn’t let my horny mind control me today. The last time that happened, I used a seduction spell on him. I still wasn't sure if I was responsible for that, but I wasn't taking any chances.

I couldn't deny how good he looked. He wasn't the only one that could dress inappropriately for bed. Two can play that game.

I walk back into the bathroom even though he'd seen me coming out just a second ago. My sister had played a prank on me and packed sexy lingerie for me as my sleep wear. I never thought I would use them until tonight.

I dabbed some perfume onto my neck, where his mark on me was. When I step back into the bedroom, Atticus is already lying on his side of the bed.

His gaze lifts to my exposed legs and slowly travels up my body. His jaw clenches, and I swear I saw his hand grip the sheet to his side, but I might have imagined it.

I try to be seductive as I climb onto the bed, but with my luck, I may have looked slightly retarded.I scold myself in my mind and I tried not to overthink about it and I lay on top of the covers.

I didn't want to hide under the blanket, I wanted him to look at me.

He was lying with his hands behind his neck, and I can practically hear his loud breathing next to me. Did that mean that my plan was already working? He usually does like this whenever he is affected by my actions.

I was thinking about something or anything to say just to break the tension in the room. But, I couldn't think of anything. The only thing I could think of was shouting and screaming at him about how much I loved him. To tell him that I've loved him for so long and he never knew. But I know I can't tell him yet. I need to make sure he wants me. I need to make him regret ever choosing Anya over me.

Only then would I confess. Only then I would tell what's been in my heart all this time.

We both turned on our sides simultaneously, and our gazes met. I held my breath, and I noticed the way his throat moved as he swallowed hard. I hate how attracted I am to him. Above that he doesn't have a shirt on which is definitely not helping. I can see each of his perfectly defined muscles, and they're screaming for me to reach out and touch them.

Where is my control? I couldn't let myself be dragged into this again. I had to stop myself from doing something that I may or may not regret in the near future. I didn't trust my feelings, they kept fluctuating.

His gaze drops to my lip before going lower to stare at my tiny lingerie, barely covering my body.
My nipples instantly hardened as his gaze lingered on my barely covered breasts. His eyes narrow, making me wonder if he knows how responsive they are to him.

Unwanted Bride Of Atticus FawnWhere stories live. Discover now